You Are a Creator

You are a creator. You have always been one. It is your nature. Each circumstance that you find yourself in is a result of your thinking. This is the case even if the situation that you find yourself in is a totally new experience. It has arrived to “serve” you. You might not have consciously “summoned” the experience or person. Nevertheless, YOU summoned it. We have been taught to think that our conscious mind determines our actions, but , in actuality, it is our subconscious minds that set the course towards manifestation. I suggest daily “gut checks”. Ask yourself what it is that you truly desire out of life. Our emotions can serve as guides for us.

We underestimate the importance of happiness. You deserve to live life on your own terms. Truly successful people take ownership of their own happiness. They are visionaries. Every invention ever created started of as an idea. Each idea was conceptualized, drawn out and , ultimately, realized. How do you see yourself? Where do you see yourself in 5 , 10, 15 or 20 years? You are where you are right now in your life ,for better or worse, because of your thinking and decisions. Embrace this fact. I ‘m not blaming you. I want you to be liberated and empowered. Regardless of where you are  in your life, you have the power to change it. First, get quiet and then get clear. Make a decision to be as brutally honest as you know how to be. What’s important to you?

Allow your emotions to guide you. Don’t compromise your happiness. Stop living for other people. Become an active participant in your creative process. You create whether you like it or not.

Not only do your aspirations become your current reality ,but also your fear and insecurities. Remember to stay mindful. What thoughts do you humor most often? Do your thoughts serve you or are you sabotaging yourself? Whatever you focus on , whether consciously or subconsciously, becomes your reality. There are no exceptions.

Most of us were conditioned to believe that some celestial being outside of us determines our fate after death based on our conduct. This was a means of manipulation in order to control the masses. You are the savior that you have been waiting for. Save yourselves!! I’m not insinuating that it would  be easy , but the point is that you have had the power within yourself to change the circumstances of your life for your entire lifetime. You have always had it. You are more than you might think you are. You are all powerful.

You are an all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient , eternal being that happens to have “amnesia”. You manifested into this physical reality to have experiences in order to learn more about yourself. This life is the ultimate virtual reality game. Every aspect  and experience in your life is an illusion. It just happens to be a consistent one. We each come into this reality the exact same way and the vast majority of us don’t remember who we truly are.

You are all powerful, omniscient,omnipresent,eternal spirit “playing” human. Yes , I said it. Life is a game. It is a virtual reality game that you create scene by scene with your thoughts. I am referring to your subconscious thoughts. Make a daily practice of being silent even if it is only for a few minutes a day. Learn to master your thoughts. Identify any destructive thought patterns. Create thought patterns that serve you. It is not enough to think positive. Learn to be positive. What do I mean? Learn to both love and accept yourself as you are. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is a destructive pattern because you have no clear idea of what the other persons’ backstory is. Embrace your unique self. There is no true arrival. You will always be a work in progress and that is okay. This means that you not only continue to learn , but also to grow and evolve. The events of your life are both consciously and subconsciously created by your “higher self” in order to further your development.Learn to be a student of life. By making the deliberate decision to learn from your experiences regardless of the circumstances, you begin to take an active role in your own creation process. Establish a vision for life. Make sure that you are certain about it. It is not what you believe that becomes you reality. It is what you know a.k.a. are certain of that shows up. This is the case regardless of whether or not you are aware of it. However you truly see yourself  or your circumstances ,for better or worse, materializes. This can occur at any time. Oh, by the way, time is an illusion. We use the concept of time to navigate our lives as human beings. Although there might be certain processes in nature that occur, there is no real time. There is only the eternal now. Stop doubting yourself. Whatever you establish as your truth is apart of you therefore it must materialize. It is a law of the universe. You are and have always been the “creator”. Until next time…


The Power of Self Observation

Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself ,”Why do I think the way that I do about this certain person or situation?” Are you a critical thinker or do you live each day of your life on “automatic pilot?”. Be honest with yourself. If you are not use to that type of questioning, you might have to think about it for a moment. It’s okay. You are a creator. It is your nature. Your thoughts, both conscious and subconscious, create your reality.

The more aware you are of your thoughts, the more aware you are of their origin. Once you have identified where each of your reoccurring thoughts stem from, the clearer your choices become. You become empowered therefore you will begin to choose which thoughts serve you and which ones to let go . You begin to realize that you are not your thoughts. They don’t define you unless you allow them to do so. Once you no longer identify yourself with your thoughts, you begin to notice that you are both the observed and the observer.

Yes, you will still feel pain, but you begin to realize that the experience, although vivid, is indeed temporary. Knowing is the key. You have the power to experience an emotion without identifying yourself with it. You become the narrator of your own life story. Why do you respond the way that you do to certain individuals and situations? When did the this response begin? Reflect back to past occurrences where you responded in a similar way. What were the circumstances ? Where there consequences? Did your response ultimately serve you? Was the result hurtful or helpful to others?

It is my conviction that we are each connected to everything and everyone around us. How you treat “others” is a reflection of what you think about yourself. There is no escape. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to run away from yourself. The solution has and always will be within you. You and you alone have the power to change your circumstances starting with your “true” thoughts. You don’t have to be a psychologist. You need to practice paying attention.

Do not judge yourself. Observe how you are feeling at any given moment. Emotions are part of being human. We judge ourselves based on a false interpretation of who we are , how we fit in the world and how we perceive others see us. You are both narrator and actor. The key to empowerment is knowing that it is all an illusion. Nothing is permanent. Play your part in your life story while making conscious changes to your life “script” as you go. Become a student of life. Experience the entire gamut of emotions while not being consumed by them. It is a “play”, remember? The truth is that you are infinite being “playing” human.  There is no need for judgement. If  a situation or reaction doesn’t serve you, change your perspective towards the situation. Make the most of it . Stay present while maintaining the vision of your ideal experience. Connect with the emotion resulting from it. You have the power of choice. Choose to focus on the lesson to be learned while establishing your “perfect” outcome. Use your emotions as your guide. This is self mastery. To become a master, you must know yourself. Identify what is genuine and what isn’t. Choose thoughts and actions that serve you. Although at times, you might feel victimized, you are never a victim. You are eternal. Absolutely nothing and no one outside of you will ever change that. Whether the appearance seems like a curse or a blessing, learn from it. Ultimately, each situation ,despite appearances, will prove to be a blessing. This is what “heaven on earth” looks like.

Escaping the “Noise”

From birth, our minds are constantly being bombarded with information. As human beings, we have been subject to more conditioning than we might realize. Who are you? Which group(s) do you identify yourself with? What do you think about on a daily basis?

I read an article that stated that the average human has between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts per day. This range breaks down to 2500 to 3300 thoughts per day. These thoughts can range from serious issues to mundane nonsense.

Thoughts become things. We are creators by nature. The thoughts that we give the most attention to , whether consciously or unconsciously, are the “building blocks” used to create the situations that manifest in our physical reality. Notice that I mentioned consciously AND unconsciously. Most of us are not aware of our thoughts while many of us suppress the emotions tied to them. This habit can prove to be counterproductive to our well being. There is too much “chatter”. This “noise” can foster stress within us. We get up with the daily routine of life while missing the beauty of the simple things that we take for granted every day. We become more like human “doings” rather than human beings. Life becomes a daily grind. What is the need of the hour?… Silence. The key to true inspiration and empowerment is found in mastering our thoughts.

The Power of Silence

Whether you call it meditation or , simply, being quiet  has significant benefits that become more evident through consistent practice. Practicing silence helps you to pay more attention to what goes in and comes out of your mind. You learn to monitor your thoughts. As you become more conscious of your thoughts, you develop the ability to choose which thoughts serve you as opposed to the thoughts that sabotage you. Remember that all forms of success originate in the mind. It is also important to remember that our physical health is directly connected to to our state of mind. There are no exceptions. Toxic thoughts lead to toxic emotions which lead to the manifestation of dis-ease in the body. Toxic thoughts foster fear, hatred, anxiety, jealousy, anger, greed, selfishness and the like. You can appear to be the nicest person in the world yet humor thoughts of fear, anxiety , insecurity and guilt. Thinking these types of thoughts consistently can have damaging effects on your physical well being.

The Benefits of Silence

  1. Sitting silently can relieve stress. Whether being exposed to actual noise or experiencing stressful events, the body response by releasing stress hormones. According to an earlier research study, practicing silence can release tension in both the body and brain as quickly as two minutes. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood circulation in the brain.
  2. Spending several minutes a night before bedtime can also improve sleep. Mindfulness meditation has proven to be an effective practice for this purpose. This form of meditation involves focusing on your breathing as well as bringing your mind’s attention to the present moment rather than dwelling on the nonexistent past or future. Remaining present breaks the chain of unproductive “chatter” while producing a state of relaxation .
  3. Practicing silence can also increase brain growth by creating new cells in the hippocampus region of the brain. According to a study published in the journal titled ” Brain Structure and Function”, this part of the brain is directly linked to a person’s ability to learn, memory and emotions.

How to Practice an Hour of Silence Every Day

  1. Focus on scheduling your hour of silence at a specific time every day.
  2. Avoid all distractions. Turn off all electrical devices( TV, computer, radio, etc).
  3. If possible, designate a specific location for your silent hour. Focus on sitting quietly and resting.
  4. Engage in activities that don’t require engaging with others, using words or seeing others. Recommended activities include gentle housekeeping( dish washing,laundry, etc,)  or gardening.
  5. Connect with nature. Consider taking long walks . It is a good way to clear your mind as well as good exercise.
  6. Stay in the present moment. The goal is to “release” your mind from thinking. Thoughts may enter your mind. Acknowledge them and allow them to “float away”. Do not make a judgement. you are not your thoughts.
  7. Focus on your breathing while staying mindful of the silence.
  8. At the end of your time, focus on gratitude. Give thanks. Consider verbalizing these two words: “Thank You”.

You might not be able to practice silence for an entire hour. That’s okay. The key is to start where you are at and stay consistent. Relax. Start, but don’t try to muscle it. It shouldn’t be burdensome. Be gentle with yourself. Focus more on reaping the benefits of this mindful practice. I wish you well. Until next time…


A New Definition of Love

Love means different things to different people. To some, love means giving your whole self and never holding back. To others, love is defined as a commitment to someone else. It has been described as making someone else’s needs a priority over your own. I have established my own definition of love. What is it you might ask? Well, to me , love is both the acknowledgement and embracing of my connection to everything and everyone around me.

We are all connected. The same life force that animates my physical body animates yours. We are reflections of one another regardless of the apparent differences. We have far more in common than we realize most of the time.

I don’t necessarily expect to have deep affections for each person that I come across in this life. It is okay to disagree. I don’t have to like you in order to realize my connection to you. I can still learn from you.Based on my definition, I can still “love” you. Each person and situation that arrives in my life space is their to teach me something. The question is , “Am I open to learn regardless of whether or not it is perceived as a pleasant experience?”. Perhaps I will learn what not to be or how not to act. It is important to remain a student of life.

If you and I are “connected”, wouldn’t that mean that to hurt you is to hurt myself? From a humanistic standpoint, what sense would that make? Why not create a system of interaction based on collaboration instead of competition? If each of us learned to embrace both our uniqueness and likeness, how would that affect the world? Imagine. Each persons’ action, on some level, affects another. Through this awareness, conscious connectedness occurs. Once each individual on this planet realizes their “oneness” with everything and everyone, it will create a global paradigm shift that has never been experienced in human history. The ” global  landscape” will be transformed in a way that will be most beneficial for all sentient beings on this planet on all levels. Even the environment will be affected in a positive way. We ,as human beings, through our actions, both directly and indirectly impact the lives of every species on this planet.

What would happen if we each saw ourselves in each other? What would happen if we each realized how special we each are as well as the impact that are actions have on those around us. There will never ever be anyone quite like you and , yet, we all share the same life energy. What does it mean to “live in love”? It means to love ourselves and to see see our connection to each person, place and thing around us. Love defines us. When you live this truth on a consistent basis, you begin to align with life force. Although you realize your connection to all things, you also understand that life is not all about you. Once you begin to love yourself and , consequently, begin to see yourself in others, you begin expressing love. You start feeling joyful and happy for no other than that you exist. Life becomes more meaningful. You start to become more interested in others welfare. Why not? They are an extension of you. You begin to share your time and resources without expecting anything in return. You simply for the joy of giving. To live in love also means to see the greatest good in people and situations regardless of the outcome. You still can be hurt, but you stop taking it so personal. You begin to feel others pain. We’re all connected right?

You stop trying to find ways to cheat others? For what? You would just be hurting yourself. You still work, pay bills , do laundry, etc. Although daily activities may not change , your attitude towards them might.Life begins to have more meaning. You feel lighter. You start forgive yourself and “others”. You cherish each day. You complement people more and mean it. You have nothing to hide. You begin to pursue lost passions and encourage others to do the same. There is no more envy. You are both content and complete. Life is good. It’s okay to have ambition, achieve goals and buy “toys”. The difference now is that you no longer need anything or anyone to fulfill you. You are already whole.

Living”in love” means that you not only expect the best from others , but look for it just as you would within yourself. You walk by strangers and sincerely acknowledge them. When you ask them about how they are doing, you are actually concerned. No more cliches. People begin  to feel that they are important you. You start giving off “good vibes”. Although you are still a work in progress, you begin taking responsibility for your own personal development. You begin to take notice of your interactions with people. You , genuinely, wish others well. When we begin to think,live, act, and react from love, we are at our strongest. We become grounded and , instinctively, give our best towards everything that we do.  A lifestyle based on love whether it be love for yourself, for others or for what you do is a powerful one. Live your BEST life… A POWERFUL ONE!!! … in LOVE.. We are ONE… Until next time….



Developing Empowerment

How does a person develop empowerment within themselves? What is empowerment? My favorite definition is the process of becoming stronger and more confident , especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. Expect nothing nor no one outside of yourself to empower you. First of all, it is my opinion that  each of us possesses “untapped” resources within ourselves that , in many cases, remain dormant. It often takes an individual to be in a particularly challenging situation to realize their true capabilities. We , as humans , are resilient. We are also extremely powerful creatures because we have the ability to change ourselves. Humans have the capability of increasing our awareness of who we are and what we truly desire out of life. We also possess the ability to become problem solvers. Human beings have been solving their own problems for centuries. It is the main reason why we advance. You can say that it is “programmed” in our  DNA to do so. This is where empowerment  comes in.

Once you realize that you possess the resources within yourself to both create and establish a successful life on your own terms, it becomes only a matter of getting started. My perspective on empowerment relates to the definition that I stated earlier. It is about tapping into the strength within in order to take responsibility for you own self mastery. You have earned the right to be here. You were a warrior before you even knew what it was to be one. It is your nature. You don’t believe me? Think about this.

In order for you to have been born, more than likely, two individuals of the opposite sex came together. Duhhh!! Right?!! some point, you were one of a million sperm  engaged in the race of your life, literally. You made it!! Instinctively, you knew which direction to swim . It took everything that you had to get to that egg and you got there. Each person that has been or  will ever be  born “earned” the right to be here. You are a natural winner. Do not allow anyone to convince you otherwise. You are powerful!! It is time to tap into to your own personal reservoir of power. Here are some keys to developing empowerment:

1)Stop worrying about what others think about you.

The great philosopher , Lao Tzu , is quoted as saying,” Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”  Never allow your self worth to be determined by the opinions of others. No one can place a price on your value. It is my opinion that most people are more engaged in their own situations than to truly care about yours. Those who spend their time judging others tend be more insecure about their own social standing. Bullies are the most insecure people on the planet. The loudest one is the weakest one. Stay true to yourself. Establish your own identity and succeed on your own terms. Encourage others to do the same.

2)Follow your “gut”.

Pay attention to your thoughts and intuition. The key to your purpose is within you. At our core, we are energy. We are also connected to every thing and person around us. Once you start being true to yourself by acknowledging what you truly desire , you begin to align yourself with the natural flow of life. At this point, your intentions become pure. Learn to trust your inner guide. I refer to it as your “higher self”. It won’t fail you. We are all subject to “outside influences” whether through our family, friends,acquaintances or the media. Due to our experiences,we develop thought patterns stemming from our past interactions with others. We must learn to consciously choose thoughts that serve us. Ultimately,how we perceive our experiences can have a profound effect on our gut reaction. Consciously formulate your own opinions. This practice will assist you in “purifying” your intentions.

3)Determine what makes you happy?

Our emotions can assist us in achieving clarity. Engage in activities that induce happiness inside of you. Establish relationships in which you support one another. Make it a consistent practice to find the good in all circumstances. Become a student of life while choosing to be grateful for the lessons. Once we start living authentically, happiness becomes both a natural and consistent state of being. Happiness is a choice. It is vital for developing empowerment.

4)What are you passionate about?

Passion is defined as being more than just enthusiasm or excitement. It is ambition that has materialized into action. When you are passionate about a specific goal, activity or cause, you will put as much of your heart, mind and soul as possible behind it. Another definition is a strong and barely controllable emotion. It is emotional “gasoline”. Once a person’s passion is ignited, dreams become realized. Imagine what it feels like to wake up passionate about a cause each day of your life. What would it be like to engage in  daily activities that were meaningful to you? How about lying down on your pillow each night for the rest of your life completely satisfied with the events of the day and the part that you played in them? Can you envision yourself barely being able to fall asleep because you were anticipating the next day? This is passion. It is automatically empowering.

5)Encourage others

As I mentioned earlier, we are connected. What effects one of us effects all of us , on some level, whether for the better or worse. As we become more empowered , it is important to empower others through encouragement. When we encourage others, we also encourage ourselves. It is almost like self hypnosis. We step outside of our comfort zone to give of ourselves through our words as well as actively listening to other people. When we encourage others with our words, those same words echo to our subconscious minds. This practice is especially powerful when it is done without any expectation of return. We give to others through our gestures and words simply because we want to. This is the best type of encouragement. It is mutually beneficial because whatever you give away always comes back to you, in many cases, multiplied. It is a universal law.

As human beings, we are not designed to stay stagnant. It is natural for us to evolve. The word evolve means to change. Whether the change is good or bad, ultimately, depends on your response to it. We can either choose to be victims or students of life. Once we decide to learn from all of the circumstances that we find ourselves involved in, we can begin to take a more active role in our own evolutionary process. At that point, we will find ourselves aligned with life itself. We will be living at our highest potential. The rest of your life awaits your response. Go within and be empowered. Until next time….




Forget About New Years Resolutions: Start Now!!!

Okay, let’s be honest. Who among us has ,faithfully, stuck to their New Years resolutions all year, every year? May I have a show of hands please….. anybody?!!! I didn’t think so. I have a question. Why delay making positive changes in our lives until the beginning of the next year if we truly desire to change?  For that matter, where and when did this tradition originate in the first place?

Well, for trivia’s sake, I “googled” it. I found out that , in ancient times, the Babylonians made promises to their gods to give back borrowed items and pay their debts at the beginning of each year. The Romans also established a tradition of making promises to their god, Janus, whom the month January is named from. As the saying goes, the rest is history. Most of us make the decision to make resolutions without truly considering the consequences or if it’s truly what we want. Please,don’t get me wrong. I am not against resolutions. My main point is for us to be true to ourselves about what we truly desire out of life. What are we willing to do to make that happen? Really. Honesty is the best starting point. In order to reach a destination, you have to realize where you are going to start. Do you have enough gas( desire and passion) in your engine to get there. When it really comes down to it, the vast majority of us are born with the same potential to succeed. Perhaps not in the same areas, but, nonetheless, we came “equipped”. You were the single sperm who reached the egg. You had to beat out millions of “competitors” to get there and you did it completely based on instinct alone. You swam like hell!!! Do you know what that means?!! YOU ARE A BORN WINNER!!! Literally. You earned the right to be here.

Do not allow outside influences to rob you of that truth. Whatever you set your mind to do , you can accomplish it. You were literally in the fight of your life and you won!!! You are not designed for mediocrity rather you settle for it. Notice that I didn’t say that it would be easy. Goals set of genuine value rarely are. Start small if you have to. Gain momentum as you keep record of small daily victories. Each one counts. Have fun with it and don’t forget that if you “fall off” along the way, it’s okay. Get back on your “horse” and keep moving. Enjoy the journey. People who are successful tend to fail more than people that are not because they refused to give up. They chose to learn from each mistake, therefore, it became an opportunity to grow and evolve. Make a conscious decision today to become the architect of your own life. Evaluate each area of your life that is important to you whether it be your finances , relationships, career, health, etc. Stop holding back. Remember that it is your nature to succeed. The proof is in the fact that you are here. You fought way too hard to get here to settle for mediocrity. Make sure that you are not basing your successes on someone else’s standard. Establish your own standard and traditions. DO you!!!! There is no greater level of success than that. DO you know who you are and what you desire out of life , truly?!! It might be time for a gut check. Be determined to have your best year. We’ll connect again soon. Until next time.


The “Journey” to Freedom

(author unknown)

Within the United States of America lies a large industrial city
that is the sight of one of the world’s largest slave labor camps.

Located in and around the center of this city are community
settlements where the slaves live.

Each morning the slaves move herd-like from their quarters into the
slave labor camps.

Each one is at his or her station by 7:30 AM. Here they report to
their master for the day’s duties. And here they remain chained
until 5:00 PM when they’re released to go home.

The slaves have no choice as to how many hours they must labor.
Sometimes they are required to work overtime until their master
tells them they may leave and go home.

Each year the slaves are told when to take their vacations, for how
long, and when they must return.

They have little choice as to how much money they earn as they are
paid not what they are worth, but what the job is worth.

They are allowed very little time for lunch and coffee breaks during
the labor hours.

The slaves will remain in their chains in great fear because the
master can punish them with the “firing” or “layoff” whip.

It is said that even some of the older slaves who have been good and
faithful have felt the sting of the whip.

Day by day, year-by-year, the slaves toil and grow older until the
master decides it is time to release them to the retirement camps
where they’re forced to sit idle and wait for death.

It’s a well-known fact that the old slaves who try to keep working
are sometimes whipped with a “stop their-pension” whip.

I know these slave camps exist for I once was a slave.

But now I am a free man who lives among the slaves.

The reason I am free is because I am in business for myself.

Yes, I am truly free!

I came across this essay through an email that I received earlier this week. I found it inspiring , therefore, I decided that it was worth sharing with you. As a disclaimer, I am not implying that every person that is working in a traditional industry is a slave. As a matter of fact, I personally believe that anyone who is passionate about whatever they are doing on a daily basis is already extraordinary. To wake up passionate and happy about what is in store for you on any particular day ,every day, is a possible goal worth attaining. To engage in meaningful activities throughout your day for the vast majority of days that you have left on earth is a dream for many , but an attainable one. To be able to lay your head on your pillow every night satisfied ,yet not complacent, can be a standard for you. An extraordinary, authentic life is one in which each breath is cherished. It is a life where you are completely engaged in every aspect of life without any regrets. You are living your truth free of outside “programming”. Every thought has been made captive. You are in tuned with the reasons behind your daily habits and actions. You are living life  deliberately. Every aspect of your life exemplifies this fact. There is no compromise. You are awakened and refuse to go back to “sleep”. You experience life with the same wonder and exuberance as a child ,with one major exception. You are a conscious creator. The lines dividing work and play are becoming progressively blurred. Nothing is taken for granted.

Get in the habit of giving yourself daily “gut checks” about your thoughts and actions. It becomes more natural with practice. Give yourself fully to whatever you are doing at that moment. This action will help you with learning how to stay present. Remember that regardless of what event occurred in your past or is scheduled for your your future all that truly exist is the present. The past will never return and the future never actually gets here. Do you know why? It never gets here because once the future comes, it will still be the present. The event will no longer be in your future. At every point in your life that you have existed, you were in that present moment. Your plans for your future are made in the present. Technically,it is the only time that you will ever have in this lifetime. Learn to both cherish and make the most of it. As human beings, we have been conditioned to be busy, yet not necessarily productive. We get our security and sense of self worth from illusions( money, fame, recognition, race , gender, etc). We unconsciously focus more on being politically correct according to societies standard( whatever that is…) instead of being free. It is  a form of mental prison.. It is the worst kind because we pass this form of slavery down to our children , in most cases, without being aware of it. There is a way out. You are an  all powerful being. Set the intention for your life. Be as descriptive as possible . Have fun with it. Make the most out of the moment that you have. at the moment, you might still have to maintain your routine, but that’s okay. Your perspective about your life situation has changed. You approach your daily affairs with a different energy.

Learn to allow life to unfold. Always remember to set high expectations for yourself. Demand happiness for yourself. Challenges , victories and defeats are all necessary parts of life. Your life is like a rare painting . You are the artist. You decide what colors to add to your  artwork/ life based on your thoughts, actions and reactions. Refuse to live a mundane life. Never allow others response to your life choices to determine your self worth. If you are tempted to do so, your feelings are based on a lie. Your truth is that you are a unique, creative, powerful being and your greatest asset is your mind. Learn to control out. Train yourself daily to be aware of your thoughts. As mentioned earlier, keep the ones that serve you. If others criticize you try not to take it personally. Whether thy know it or not ,it was never about you. People tend to unknowingly criticize others based on their own insecurities and fears. Have compassion for them without allowing their comments to alter your perspective about life and yourself. You are perfect as you are. You are a unique “masterpiece” of an individual that is constantly evolving while gaining more of a deeper realization of the fact that you are special. You belong. You have always belonged. You are born free. You were simply sleep.

Know that you realize that you are free, know what?!!! Create , grow, love  and experience everything there is that you choose to experience. In the process, encourage others to do the same thing according to their standard. We can grow into our unique, wonderful selves and be united in doing so because we realize that we each represent a particularly remarkable aspect of the whole. We are all indeed one. Knowing this at a personal, heart centered level is the true definition of  ” living in love”.

Love is at the core of true freedom , especially, self love. It is my opinion that you must love yourself before you can ideally love others. We are enslaved by false perceptions of ourselves, others and life , in general. We allow “outside influences ” ( society, family, race/ethnic/gender/sexual orientation, etc) to determine our “place” in society. This is a self defeating process as well as an outright lie. In actuality, your true value cannot be quantified. How can you quantify a being like yourself of infinite potential. It isn’t possible. You don’t have to be perfect. Perfection is an illusion. It is a matter of perception. As mentioned earlier,you are a work in progress. If something is perfect , how can it continue to grow? You are free to grow and become what you desire to become because that it is what you choose to do. There is no clear right or wrong decision concerning this matter. There are only consequences. There are consequences for each decision that we make in our lives. It’s okay. It’s how we learn and grow. Our natural state is to be free. We imprison ourselves with our limited beliefs and perceptions. We also hold the keys to release ourselves from bondage. Find your joy in the journey. Do not bound yourselves to toys , trinkets and titles. You can’t take any of these items with you. Life is full of transitions. Freedom is reached once you realize that there is no true arrival. There is much to learn, experience and , if you choose to do so, enjoy. You are already there. Learn to enjoy this moment. Welcome to freedom. Until next time….

Buy my book, “The Authentic Life” here

Control Your Own Destiny

Well, the election is finally over!! Depending on your political party affiliation, you are either relieved or scared like hell. Either way, life goes on. In my opinion, the entire election campaign for both of the top candidates was a media “circus” from the beginning. Each side made it a point to “sling mud” at the other one. Apparently, a brilliant campaign is defined as the one that spends the most money on campaign commercials. Every four years, someone comes forward to give us more empty promises in order to position themselves to fill up their own pockets. It has been proven that many elected officials spend most of their time before the election fighting to get elected and ,afterwards, fighting to stay in office. The term politician and public servant are not synonymous. What about the people?!!! Don’t believe the hype!!!  Be determined to  educate and  empower yourself. A true education does both. Stop settling.

The election proved that , without a doubt, ANYONE CAN BECOME PRESIDENT!!! It’s time to wake up. Any system whether government, business, education, healthcare, religious or the media , for that matter, should be closely monitored. As humans, we tend to get too comfortable in our daily routines. It is a s if we are each sleepwalking. We become blind and ignorant to what is happening right under our noses. Although we might complain ever so often, very few of us have the courage to step up and speak out due to the fear of persecution. We accept our leaders and systems at face value. This is proven to be a tragic mistake.

The government will not “save” us. It is not designed to save us. Ideally, it has been put in place to protect our right to save ourselves. It’s role is to protect each of our “inalienable” rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is all. A system should exist for the primary purpose of benefiting all of the people that are directly affected by it. It is my opinion that once any system seizes to do so, it must be either changed or discarded altogether. “Functional” systems exist to serve its people.Period.

No one is going to save you, therefore, save yourself. In order to control our own destiny , we must master ourselves . We must master our thoughts, emotions and resources. We must be clear about what we desire for ourselves. Remember that your reality is not determined by your current circumstances. It is determined by your thoughts, first and foremost. Your thoughts determine your reactions  towards daily events and people that you come across on a daily basis. Your world ( daily routine, events, relationships, etc) are a result of what you think about most. These thoughts occur both consciously and subconsciously. Either way, they determine the outcome of events in your daily life. Your world , in one way or the other, is a direct reflection of you.

Take a moment to take inventory of your daily thoughts. Be honest with yourself. Which thoughts serve you? How do these thoughts make you feel? Pay attention to the thoughts that either no longer save you or never did, in the first place. Make consistent decision to “govern” your thoughts. Get rid of the ones that bring you down. Train yourself ,through daily practice,to find the good in EVERY situation. Notice that I didn’t say that it would be easy, hence, the requirement for “daily” practice. For better or worse,human beings tend to be creatures of habit. Make a conscious decision to to develop habits that build you up. Be clear about what you desire out of life in all areas( physically, mentally, emotionally, financially,relationships etc..). First,see it in your minds eye. Whatever you focus on manifests. It does so gradually and meticulously, but deliberately based on your most sincere desire. Who you truly are always comes out. Set the intention while learning to let go of the details leading to it’s occurence. Leave the “How’s” and ” Whens” to a power far greater than your “human” self. Remember that you are one with this infinite power. It is your higher self and it exist to manifest through you. It desires to do nothing more than that. It will serve you based on your thoughts and perceptions about yourself and others.It is my opinion that there is no greater purpose for both the government ( specifically, the U.S. government) and the various systems that effect our individual lives than to protect our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is up to you to determine what happiness looks like for you. It is necessary for you to become both a critical thinker and conscious creator.


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Become a “Macgyver

I’m probably dating myself, but I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. There was a popular television show that came on television titled “Macgyver”. Macgyver was a secret agent who was a  master of complex problem solving. He was extremely resourceful and always seemed to find ways to find his way out of life threatening situations no matter how hopeless the circumstances seemed at that moment. This is what we need to become in order to become navigators of our own futures. Macgyver was confident that every problem had a solution even if he wasn’t sure what it was at that time. He never allowed fear to cripple him to the point of where he was too afraid to go on a mission. He didn’t allow himself to get distracted by the “what if’s”. What are the what if’s you might ask?

What If I fail?

What if you do fail? So what?!! People who are exceptionally successful fail more than people who are not. The difference is that successful people look at failure differently. They learn from their failures. They allow their challenges to train them and , in the process, grow from the experience. Most people see the image of a successful person based on the “end” result after the struggles that it took for them to get to that position. They don’t realize that the individual , in most cases, had to grow into that position of power. You must take ownership of what it is that you desire. Don’t expect a hand out. The world can be especially harsh for the individual without a vision for themselves. There are many “distractions”. Most people settle for status quo and , in the process, drown in mediocrity. They allow themselves to be  tossed back and forth by the waves of every day challenges that , at that moment, might seem both overwhelming and insurmountable. The person with a clear vision of what they desire learns how to “swim”, regardless, of how hard the waves of life challenges crash into them. They might “go down” for a moment, but they always find a way to rise above the surface because they have committed themselves to do so. They are determined to either master the navigation towards the fulfillment of their dreams or die trying. Failure nor complacency is never the end. Learn to make the most out of the resources available to you until you are in a position to acquire more. Decide daily to be fully engaged in the creation process.

What If I I Am Rejected?

In order to control your destiny, you cannot be concerned with what others think of you. Don’t fall into the trap of political correctness. Authenticity will always “trump” popularity in the long run( no pun intended ), and , in many cases, the short run as well. Stay true to yourself.

What If the Others Don’t Approve?

A life lived based on someone else’s  standard is a compromised existence. Be determined to stand up and stand out because YOU CAN!!! As long as you care about what you are doing, who cares what the “others” think?  Please understand that most of the “others”( family,peers,etc..) have no clear idea of where they are going in life nor who they truly are. Most people follow without having a genuine clue  about the origin of their convictions about certain issues. We,as humans, follow a daily routine that occupies both our time and consciousness. People judge one another based on a skewed standard. They are both psychologically and emotionally tied to systems that are not only outdated, but were designed to serve the interests of a chosen few. There has been no greater time than the present for learning how to live consciously. If you choose to follow take a moment to establish your reasons why to do so. It is imperative for you to make sure that your thoughts originate with you rather than to have been simply “passed down” from someone else. Establish your own identity. Most of the naysayers persecute due to their own fears and insecurities whether they realize it or not.

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Become a Revolutionary

The United States was founded on the premise of revolution. The founding fathers were willing to die for their right to carve out their own destiny according to their terms and as a result of their own individual efforts. In those days, it was clear who the opposition was to that end . The goal was freedom. It is your right. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no greater slavery than mental slavery. The opposition is inside you because is it is you. You have been imprisoned by your limited perception of who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing in your life. You have been conditioned to think that you are dependent on the systems( government, healthcare, educational, religious, media or otherwise…). Save yourself!!!You are your greatest resource or hindrance based on your thoughts and perceptions about the world around you. WAKE UP!!! Revolt against the thoughts and habits that no longer serve you. Become radical about finding the good in all circumstances and making the most of the resources available to you at this moment. Establish a vision for your life and actively engage in the process of realizing it. Expect happiness and success to be a common trend in your daily life. Cease being a victim of circumstances and decide to become a student of life. Be convinced that all of life conspires on your behalf because you have decided to learn from it. You possess everything that you need within you to be successful. Educating yourself  is a way of tapping into the bottomless reservoir that already exist within you. You are complete. Be your own individual “movement” . The “revolution” starts within you. You are the leader. Own it. Before you can even begin to control your own destiny, you must master yourself. Train your mind. There is no other way. Change your thoughts.Change your actions. Change your world and , perhaps, in the process, be part of the solution for saving this planet for all of us as well as the generations to come. Until next time…

Buy my book , “The Authentic Life” here

Your Life Is a Mist

In the scheme of things, your life is a mist. The universe is estimated to be around 14 billion years old. Humans have existed for 200,000 of those years. The average human life span is 75  years. For many of us homo sapiens, we spend most of that time either aspiring to or maintaining a life standard that was past down to us by the government , society, our local community or our parents. It is my opinion that most people have no clear idea where there “life standard” originated from. We both consciously and unconsciously follow without question. It is as if  we walk around with blinders on. We also tend to be emotionally tied to our standards,traditions, customs and ,above all, routines. Will the truly independent thinkers please stand up!!! Uh oh, here it comes…. that dreaded word… STATUS QUO!!!

The worst form of slavery is the one in which you don’t realize that you are a slave. Ask yourself this question. What motivates you? What standard is your identity established on? Does your security come form your economic status? Does it come from your job position? How about your physical appearance? Do you consider yourself one of the beautiful people? Do you get your security from your relationships regardless of how superficial they might be? You are unlimited, all powerful spirit having a human experience. Your true nature is love… infinite, ever present, creative love that, at different “moments” within the fabric of time( which is an illusion), materializes into form.

For many of us, we have been conditioned to think that we are each here for some divine purpose that has been ordained by a being separate from us who judges our every action. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not an atheist. It is my conviction that that the “spiritual” world is the true reality while the physical world is the illusion. Each of us has a different perspective of the world around us , yet we share the same space. I choose to believe that the purpose of life is to create the ultimate “human” experience. I consider myself both a dreamer and a realist. I believe that the key to life is to purposely take an active role in creating the lifestyle that originated in my dreams. A truly fulfilling life begins by consciously seizing each moment to both acknowledge and appreciate the different aspects of my current life situation despite the momentary circumstance. Whether pleasurable or painful, the experience is temporary. Each moment comes to its eventual end.

I am learning to embrace all of life. I choose to be a student of it while I am intimately engaged in the manifestation of my ideal, overall life experience. Even my mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.Although I still go through the gamut of pleasant and unpleasant emotions, I choose to be happy because I have the option of doing so. Absolutely nothing or no one should have control over my emotional state. To allow anything or person to “make” me unhappy is one of the worst forms of slavery. I am not insinuating that I have achieved perfect mastery over my emotions. I consider my self a work in progress. I also have extremely high expectations of myself and so should everyone else. At the same time, I am learning not to take myself so seriously. It’s all temporary.

Choose your own purpose. Establish your personal truth and encourage others to do the same without judgement. Live in love. Love what you are doing at this moment. Love the people around you. Find the good in each situation even if it means doing so after you have cursed, screamed and cried your eyes out. If you continue living, it will pass. It always does. Once you die or transition onward to the next experience, none of it will matter anyway. It will be a memory or not. Learn to seize the moment. Set the intention. Set goals to accomplish while not forgetting that you are not alone. Seek to help others on your journey. Learn to smile and give a kind word. Have great sex and , if you don’t, keep trying till you do( practice safe sex though :)). Build deep relationships and don’t forget to tell the people in your life how much they mean to you. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Eat nutritious foods, but don’t be a fanatic about it.

Avoid all extremes, yet stay open to new experiences while practicing wisdom through critical thinking. Consider the consequences of your actions and do everything that you can not to purposely hurt anyone. Realizing our connection to everyone and everything around us is the basis for what it is to “live in love.” To hurt others is to hurt yourself. To express kindness to others for the sake of kindness opens the floodgates for receiving “blessings” in various forms. Many of our current blessings are ignored by us because we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned by a distorted view of what true fortune is. Your inheritance as a sentient being is abundant  health, wealth and happiness if you choose to accept it. It is yours for the taking. Do not be deceived by all of the information that you receive from the all of the media outlets. Don’t be sold unless you want to be. Know your invaluable worth. You have always had it. Nothing outside of you can tarnish that. Bliss is your natural state. Happiness can be your standard. You are alive. Make a decision to make the most of what it is to be human. This is the golden ticket. You are on a journey.Be a conscious creator while not forgetting to enjoy this ride. Work hard, play hard and love hard. Have no regrets. Your life may be a mist , but, dammit, be determined that it be a fragrant one!!! Preferably, a sweet smelling fragrance… sweet with conquered fears and fond memories. Live your BEST life… I love you.Until next time…

Buy my book, “The Authentic Life.” here.

The Importance of Clarity

Clarity has been defined as the  quality or state of being clear. This definition wasn’t enough for me. A synonym of clarity is lucidity. There are two definitions of lucidity that resonate with me. The  first definition is clearness of thought. The second definition is to presume the truth directly and instantaneously. I refer back to clarity when applying these two definitions of lucidity due to the fact that these words are synonymous of one another . To be most honest, the word “clarity” sounds better to me. Let’s move on…

It is crucial to be clear about what it is that you desire out of life. Be clear about your desires, goals,likes and dislikes. Practice consistency while evaluating any reservations that you might have about your options and decisions. Be sure to establish your truth. Clarity is paramount. Clarity serves as a vital role in fueling the “engine” that is key to the manifestation of your most innate desires. Once you have achieved clarity, there are no more reservations.

Even if you get distracted with momentary circumstances, clear intentions for what you desire to accomplish, no matter what it is, will ultimately prevail. Clarity determines the differences between the successful and unsuccessful. Both sides have been given the same number of hours within a day. It’s how each uses their time that creates the divide between them.

How driven are you to live an authentic life? The authentic life is a life of freedom. Society ( the various systems that govern our lives) “gives” us enough autonomy to mimic the appearance of being free ,yet, most of us spend the majority of our lives “grinding”. Life can become monotonous. The worst type of slave is the one who is blind to the fact that he or she is one , in the first place. We tend to be creatures of habit and conditioning. Work out your own salvation. The word “salvation” pertains to deliverance or being rescued. Become an active participant in your own rescue from any and all forms of slavery. It is my opinion that mental slavery is the worst form because it can affect generations of people. Freedom is not something to be earned by or given to you. Freedom is your natural right unless you give it a way.

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Clarity is one of the keys needed to unlock your mental, emotional and physical chains. They are all connected and have a direct effect on one another. First, make a decision. Only you can “free” yourself. I have found that meditation is an effective practice for helping me to gain clarity concerning both my short and long term decisions. Practicing not thinking, even for a few moments a day, seems to help me think clearer.

Setting clear intentions  directly contributes towards establishing a life purpose. You are not bound to your intentions. You can change them at any time. You might even find that your intentions “evolve” over a period of time. That’s okay too. Remember that , as human beings, we are not designed to be stagnant. Although change is necessary, we can decide how we will respond to it. A clear thinker is an independent thinker. An independent thinker is empowered. Embrace your natural power and fully engage in your life experiences. It may seem as if you have limited control over the detailed, daily events of life, but you can learn to navigate your emotional response and ,ultimately, your decisions and actions. Clarity can serve as an invaluable compass. Until next time…

Buy my book, “The Authentic Life” here