I had an epiphany today. You could even say that it was an epiphany within an epiphany. I feel that way because this wasn’t the first time that I came to this conclusion. Actually, it is the same epiphany yet clearer if that makes any sense.
Disease, war, addiction, hatred, racism,sexism,prejudice, discord and all other forms of perceived negativity stem from the perception of separatism. We perceive others as separate from us. We can develop preconceived notions about people based on stereotypes that we either consciously or subconsciously accepted as true. We are constantly under stress about bills, relationships, status or numerous other reasons that aren’t necessarily based on truth. Each of us have our own perspective about a number of things. Many of us live our lives on “automatic pilot” enslaved by routine and the concept of status quo. In many cases, we look down on those that have the courage to be their authentic selves. We say” What’s his problem?” or at least think it. We hide behind social media profiles and , in certain cases, write hurtful comments about others. Comments are written by people who wouldn’t have the courage to say in front of the person. Is this what the world has come to? It doesn’t have to be this way.

The solutions to each and every one of your problems rest inside of you. What you experience in your physical world is a direct result of your perception of it. What appears to be reality is just that. It is simply an appearance. Nothing more.

Everything experienced through our five senses is an illusion. This is not meant to be a negative statement. I’m just attempting to put things into perspective. We also tend to think in terms of time. Our experiences, past and present, have a profound effect on molding our character and identity. None of it is true. It’s all speculation. There is a catch though. We are creators by nature whether we know it or not. Our perceptions become our reality because our persistent thoughts become the things and people that appear as part of our human experience. Each situation that we are engaged in exist to potentially teach us something about ourselves. There is no judge presiding over our thoughts and actions. There are only resulting consequences. We are both “lead” actor and narrator of our own life story.
Regardless of what are past challenges were, we don’t have to be defined by them. Learn from your past and keep moving. I also find it healing to practice forgiveness. Hatred and resentment is toxic regardless of whether or not it seems justified. Once you realize your true nature of being one with all things, you start to realize that hurt is an illusion. You are all powerful, infinite , eternal and wonderful. I use the word “wonderful” because of the endless possibilities that can materialize based perspective of any situation that you find yourself in at any moment.
I think that it also helps to consider that each person has their own history. No one hurts others just for the sake of it. There is always a backstory. They are as much “works in progress” as you are. They might not be aware of this fact , therefore, they react based on conditioned behavior. It has been my experience that most people don’t realize what they do or why they do it.
No one should be able to make you angry rather you choose to be angry. I meditate on oneness daily ,at least several times a day. It might only be for a few minutes at at a time, but it helps. I realize that if I feel animosity towards someone, it isn’t their fault. I chose that response. It is my error. They are simply responding in the “best” way that they can in their current state. It as if they are enslaved by heir own impulses. True freedom can come from realizing that you are no ever been merely human. You are infinite, eternal and all powerful by nature. You are an intricate , significant part of this cosmic design , yet your origin transcends it.

We are each having a human experience. We are unique, in the fact that we have the ability to develop our own awareness. You can learn to forgive much faster once you realize that people say and do “evil” things based on “errored” thinking. This point doesn’t justify their behavior. I am merely giving a possible explanation.
The word “atonement” has to do with reconciliation. In the Old Testament of the bible, the Israelites practiced( many still do today) Yom Kippur. Another name for this day is “The Day of Atonement.” On this day the primary focus is on prayer, repentance of sins and giving to charity. The intention is to revert back to a pure state.
As a disclaimer, I respect each persons right to practice their own religion. In my opinion, true atonement is achieved through the realization that we are not alone nor are we separate from anyone or anything. There is one source for all life. There is one life having countless experiences discovering itself through taking on numerous forms simultaneously. Time and space is an illusion. This life is constantly creating . It manifests into and out of form accumulating different experiences while always learning more about itself. We are it and it is us. We are “One.” We each represent different aspects of the whole. The nature of this life is infinite, eternal , all powerful, limitlessly abundant and pure, unconditional love. Love is both a noun and verb. Love is both felt and shown. My definition of love is the acknowledgement and embracing of my connection to everyone and everything around. I am one with the Source therefore I am that one life and it is me. I am both the drop of ocean water and the ocean simultaneously with countless versions of me ….. and so are you.

This is the purist state and the only reality. Everything else is illusion. Yes, I can engage in numerous activities such as getting married, having children, becoming a millionaire or any other role that I decide to take on. I need nothing or no one outside of me to complete me because I am already whole. Wholeness is my true nature. I have been and will always be that way despite which identity I decide to assume. Good and evil are also illusion completely based on perspective. Love is all that is real. Why would I go out to purposely hurt another if that person is a part of me. Ultimately I would be hurting myself. There is no such thing as lack. The “natural” state of the universe is one of infinite supply. Meditate on this fact. Open yourselves up to receive from all possible locations. This doesn’t mean quit your job. It is more of a mindset. Align yourself with natural flow of the infinite supply of the universe. Embrace this as your own personal state before completeing any action knowing that you will receive all that you require and more. Allow this mindset to permeate your being. Meanwhile, give thanks for all that you have. Be open to opportunities to give to others whether it be money, time,etc.. You do this without reserve because you know that you will receive more. Do it simply for the sake of doing it not simply for results in your own life. Greed blocks the flow. there is no need to be greedy because there is enough for everybody. We are each connected to one another and everything everywhere. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone thought that way.

Each animated and inanimate form has unique , irreplaceable and unquantifiable value. The more that I meditate on this point, the more vivid the experience and the longer it is felt. Meditation is the key. There is no need to desire anything because to do so connotes lack. Lack is unnatural. Even when something is destroyed, something comes in its place. Life constantly takes form and never ends. In essence, neither do you nor I . We have always been and will always be a part of it all. This brings me peace and freedom. These facts empower me to both consciously and actively take part in creating my own experience. I possess everything that I need to become anything I decide to become. This is my truth. It can be yours as well. There is no judgement to fear. We are the creators. We have the ability to learn how to create consciously. Life should be a work of art. It can become that once we make “at-one-ment” our priority. Until next time….