Well, the election is finally over!! Depending on your political party affiliation, you are either relieved or scared like hell. Either way, life goes on. In my opinion, the entire election campaign for both of the top candidates was a media “circus” from the beginning. Each side made it a point to “sling mud” at the other one. Apparently, a brilliant campaign is defined as the one that spends the most money on campaign commercials. Every four years, someone comes forward to give us more empty promises in order to position themselves to fill up their own pockets. It has been proven that many elected officials spend most of their time before the election fighting to get elected and ,afterwards, fighting to stay in office. The term politician and public servant are not synonymous. What about the people?!!! Don’t believe the hype!!! Be determined to educate and empower yourself. A true education does both. Stop settling.
The election proved that , without a doubt, ANYONE CAN BECOME PRESIDENT!!! It’s time to wake up. Any system whether government, business, education, healthcare, religious or the media , for that matter, should be closely monitored. As humans, we tend to get too comfortable in our daily routines. It is a s if we are each sleepwalking. We become blind and ignorant to what is happening right under our noses. Although we might complain ever so often, very few of us have the courage to step up and speak out due to the fear of persecution. We accept our leaders and systems at face value. This is proven to be a tragic mistake.
The government will not “save” us. It is not designed to save us. Ideally, it has been put in place to protect our right to save ourselves. It’s role is to protect each of our “inalienable” rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That is all. A system should exist for the primary purpose of benefiting all of the people that are directly affected by it. It is my opinion that once any system seizes to do so, it must be either changed or discarded altogether. “Functional” systems exist to serve its people.Period.
No one is going to save you, therefore, save yourself. In order to control our own destiny , we must master ourselves . We must master our thoughts, emotions and resources. We must be clear about what we desire for ourselves. Remember that your reality is not determined by your current circumstances. It is determined by your thoughts, first and foremost. Your thoughts determine your reactions towards daily events and people that you come across on a daily basis. Your world ( daily routine, events, relationships, etc) are a result of what you think about most. These thoughts occur both consciously and subconsciously. Either way, they determine the outcome of events in your daily life. Your world , in one way or the other, is a direct reflection of you.
Take a moment to take inventory of your daily thoughts. Be honest with yourself. Which thoughts serve you? How do these thoughts make you feel? Pay attention to the thoughts that either no longer save you or never did, in the first place. Make consistent decision to “govern” your thoughts. Get rid of the ones that bring you down. Train yourself ,through daily practice,to find the good in EVERY situation. Notice that I didn’t say that it would be easy, hence, the requirement for “daily” practice. For better or worse,human beings tend to be creatures of habit. Make a conscious decision to to develop habits that build you up. Be clear about what you desire out of life in all areas( physically, mentally, emotionally, financially,relationships etc..). First,see it in your minds eye. Whatever you focus on manifests. It does so gradually and meticulously, but deliberately based on your most sincere desire. Who you truly are always comes out. Set the intention while learning to let go of the details leading to it’s occurence. Leave the “How’s” and ” Whens” to a power far greater than your “human” self. Remember that you are one with this infinite power. It is your higher self and it exist to manifest through you. It desires to do nothing more than that. It will serve you based on your thoughts and perceptions about yourself and others.It is my opinion that there is no greater purpose for both the government ( specifically, the U.S. government) and the various systems that effect our individual lives than to protect our inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is up to you to determine what happiness looks like for you. It is necessary for you to become both a critical thinker and conscious creator.
Become a “Macgyver”
I’m probably dating myself, but I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. There was a popular television show that came on television titled “Macgyver”. Macgyver was a secret agent who was a master of complex problem solving. He was extremely resourceful and always seemed to find ways to find his way out of life threatening situations no matter how hopeless the circumstances seemed at that moment. This is what we need to become in order to become navigators of our own futures. Macgyver was confident that every problem had a solution even if he wasn’t sure what it was at that time. He never allowed fear to cripple him to the point of where he was too afraid to go on a mission. He didn’t allow himself to get distracted by the “what if’s”. What are the what if’s you might ask?
What If I fail?
What if you do fail? So what?!! People who are exceptionally successful fail more than people who are not. The difference is that successful people look at failure differently. They learn from their failures. They allow their challenges to train them and , in the process, grow from the experience. Most people see the image of a successful person based on the “end” result after the struggles that it took for them to get to that position. They don’t realize that the individual , in most cases, had to grow into that position of power. You must take ownership of what it is that you desire. Don’t expect a hand out. The world can be especially harsh for the individual without a vision for themselves. There are many “distractions”. Most people settle for status quo and , in the process, drown in mediocrity. They allow themselves to be tossed back and forth by the waves of every day challenges that , at that moment, might seem both overwhelming and insurmountable. The person with a clear vision of what they desire learns how to “swim”, regardless, of how hard the waves of life challenges crash into them. They might “go down” for a moment, but they always find a way to rise above the surface because they have committed themselves to do so. They are determined to either master the navigation towards the fulfillment of their dreams or die trying. Failure nor complacency is never the end. Learn to make the most out of the resources available to you until you are in a position to acquire more. Decide daily to be fully engaged in the creation process.
What If I I Am Rejected?
In order to control your destiny, you cannot be concerned with what others think of you. Don’t fall into the trap of political correctness. Authenticity will always “trump” popularity in the long run( no pun intended ), and , in many cases, the short run as well. Stay true to yourself.
What If the Others Don’t Approve?
A life lived based on someone else’s standard is a compromised existence. Be determined to stand up and stand out because YOU CAN!!! As long as you care about what you are doing, who cares what the “others” think? Please understand that most of the “others”( family,peers,etc..) have no clear idea of where they are going in life nor who they truly are. Most people follow without having a genuine clue about the origin of their convictions about certain issues. We,as humans, follow a daily routine that occupies both our time and consciousness. People judge one another based on a skewed standard. They are both psychologically and emotionally tied to systems that are not only outdated, but were designed to serve the interests of a chosen few. There has been no greater time than the present for learning how to live consciously. If you choose to follow take a moment to establish your reasons why to do so. It is imperative for you to make sure that your thoughts originate with you rather than to have been simply “passed down” from someone else. Establish your own identity. Most of the naysayers persecute due to their own fears and insecurities whether they realize it or not.
Become a Revolutionary
The United States was founded on the premise of revolution. The founding fathers were willing to die for their right to carve out their own destiny according to their terms and as a result of their own individual efforts. In those days, it was clear who the opposition was to that end . The goal was freedom. It is your right. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there is no greater slavery than mental slavery. The opposition is inside you because is it is you. You have been imprisoned by your limited perception of who you are and what you are capable of accomplishing in your life. You have been conditioned to think that you are dependent on the systems( government, healthcare, educational, religious, media or otherwise…). Save yourself!!!You are your greatest resource or hindrance based on your thoughts and perceptions about the world around you. WAKE UP!!! Revolt against the thoughts and habits that no longer serve you. Become radical about finding the good in all circumstances and making the most of the resources available to you at this moment. Establish a vision for your life and actively engage in the process of realizing it. Expect happiness and success to be a common trend in your daily life. Cease being a victim of circumstances and decide to become a student of life. Be convinced that all of life conspires on your behalf because you have decided to learn from it. You possess everything that you need within you to be successful. Educating yourself is a way of tapping into the bottomless reservoir that already exist within you. You are complete. Be your own individual “movement” . The “revolution” starts within you. You are the leader. Own it. Before you can even begin to control your own destiny, you must master yourself. Train your mind. There is no other way. Change your thoughts.Change your actions. Change your world and , perhaps, in the process, be part of the solution for saving this planet for all of us as well as the generations to come. Until next time…