Be Patient With Yourself

Joan Borysenko Quote: “Patience is peace. Learning to be patient is a  continual practice that takes years to ripen. Let it unfold, day by day,  ...”


I am a perfectionist. Exactly, what is a perfectionist? The definition that I choose is a person whose tendency is to demand of others or of oneself an extremely high or even flawless level of performance, in excess of what is required by the situation. Yup!, that can be me all day. Because of this tendency, I can be my own self critic. This can cause me a lot of unhappiness because I create these unrealistic expectations of myself. I might compare myself to others and their accomplishments. This thought process creates a perception of not being good enough. It is a lie. I am now and have always been enough. You are too.

You and I are works in progress, but guess what??! There is no arrival. There is always progress to be made. True joy is found neither in the accomplishment nor reaching the destination. The true joy is in the journey and the experiences along the path. How do you get the most out of  the journey? Stay present  and be patient with yourself . Learn to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment, one moment at a time. I have been learning this lesson the hard way. That’s okay. It’s all good. Doesn’t always seem that way, but it always seems to work out , one way or the other. It takes time. Being patient can be a real bitch! Practice, practice, practice… It’s still all good though..

100 Patience Quotes To Make You More Tenacious (And Calm)

I slipped on the stairs at home a few weeks ago. I tore my patella and found out that I had to have surgery. I was not expecting that at all. It was excruciating. I will be out of work for possibly 2 months , if not longer. I have to depend on others to help me. This uncomfortable for me. As both a husband and father, I believe that it is my responsibility to provide for my family and take care of them. Some might call that type of thinking outdated. I don’t care. I am just being honest. I do not like relying on others and I especially don’t like being vulnerable. I want to be completely healed “yesterday”. Tomorrow is not even fast enough. Either way, life goes on. I am forced to be patient with myself. I keep playing back in my mind what I could have done differently to have avoided that situation. It doesn’t matter. This is where I am at. So be it. I am determined to grow from it. With patience comes strength. I will emerge from this situation better and stronger.

Don’t beat yourself up no matter how many times situations don’t seem to work as you planned. Become a lifelong learner of both good and bad experiences. Be determined to consistently learn, implement and grow. You are not competing against anyone. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Attitude is extremely important. Choose to have the most positive one possible. It a discipline to decide to be happy by mentally capitalizing on the good that you experience, no matter how big or small. Expect the best outcome while honing in on the positive right where you are at. This practice is key to building patience. We each have are own emotional buttons, but we don’t have to be defined by them. Your emotional state does not determine who you are, you do. Be patient. Until next time…

Patience Quote | Quote Number 542825 | Picture Quotes

Heaven Know!!!

To be clear , I didn’t grow up in a religious household. Neither one of my parents were affiliated with any particular faith. At best , they were agnostic. My grandparents were very religious though. My grandfather was Wesleyan Methodist and my grandmother was Episcopalian. They were like my second parents. They had a major influence on me. My concepts of God, Satan ,Heaven ,Hell, good and evil were definitely shaped by them. Interestingly enough, at 7 years old, I decided that I wanted to be both baptized and confirmed a Catholic. I literally begged my parents to let me do it. I memorized all of the prayers and everything! I wouldn’t let my parents eat until they blessed the food… at seven years old! You would think that I would have joined the priesthood. Puberty, girls and nudie magazines changed all of that!!
Moving forward ,from 12 years old onward, I did whatever I wanted without any concern of “sin” or punishment. Despite graduating from a Catholic private high school, I was still getting drunk, high and having as much sex as I could without any remorse. I wasn’t the worst kid, but I definitely wasn’t a “boy scout” either. This type of behavior continued and worsened in college.
Once I turned 24 years old, life changed dramatically. Due to certain events that I participated in earlier in my life that I wasn’t proud of, I had a type of spiritual awakening. I started to feel a need to seek God. I decided to join a church, but not just any church. I joined a Christian Fundamentalist Movement. That is a long , fancy term used to describe a cult. From an early age, I started off a staunch Catholic, then reverted to a drunken, sex-crazed ,young heathen and , ultimately, a crusader whose sole purpose for living was to save as many souls possible from eternal damnation. I was determined to be the next Apostle Paul and take as many people with me to heaven. Constantly, I would look around at everyone that was around me that wasn’t “saved” and think to myself, ” All of these people are going to hell. I need to do something!” Wow!! In retrospect, I was the one that was lost. Cults thrive off of the vulnerability of others. I wanted to be forgiven, but, not only that, I wanted to belong.
After 11 years , getting married and becoming a father, I had another awakening. The church group that was the source of my salvation became my prison. I began to question everything. It was as if scales fell off of my eyes. It was scary. It was time to move on to the next chapter of my life.
Although I didn’t question the existence of a higher power, I did question religion. I began reading various books about spirituality, religion and philosophy. I became a self help junkie. I came to the conclusion that we are each spiritual beings having a human experience. Nearly 20 years later, this conviction has only gotten stronger. I even went as far as to earn a degree in Metaphysics. Metaphysics deals with the first cause behind all there is, has been or ever will be. We and everything around us are of the same source. We are all one. Everything , including us, is energy transitioning in and out of form forever. God, Source, Higher Self or whatever you want to call it is infinite and we each exist in it and it in us as “us”. Sounds kind of trippy right?
As humans , we have an advantage . we have the ability to grow in our awareness of this higher power that animates us giving us life. We are one with it therefore we are it. If it is our creator and we are one with it , doesn’t that make us the creator as well? There I go “trippin” again. I will state it again. We are creators. We are GOD. We each create the circumstances of our lives whether we are conscious of it or not. It is our nature. Are thoughts determine our words and the “things” that appear in our lives. It is as natural for us as breathing. The key is to become conscious creators. Our thoughts determine our reality. If you are not happy with your current situation, you have the power within you to change it. You can bend your reality.

Remember that you are infinite being. You are the universe, God, Source, Higher Self, etcetera expressing itself as you. Think about the concept of heaven for a moment. Heaven is where God/the Creator lives right? Isn’t that what most of us were taught? If each of us is one with the creator therefore ARE the creator , then why not create heaven here, now!!? I envision heaven as a place of bliss and pleasure. I no longer view heaven as a destination, but rather a state of mind. I believe that each of us possesses the ability to establish heaven for ourselves. Let’s look at several possible action steps do it.

  1. Establish a daily practice of gratitude.

Gratitude ~ Definition and Meaning | Positive Words Research - YouTube

From now on, take time out of each day to acknowledge all of the things and people in your life that you are grateful for. Tell each person why you are grateful for them. Hearing yourself speak kind words to others benefits both parties and potentially raises serotonin (feel good hormone) levels as well. Perhaps consider starting a gratitude journal to reflect back on whenever you want. Our emotions(energy in motion) has a major effect on what and who appears in our lives as creators. With practice, the vast majority of us can develop a heightened state of gratitude. This emotions acts as a magnet attracting the situations and people necessary to perpetuate more gratitude. This is powerful.

2. Consider using daily affirmations

Affirmation and New Year`s change - pictured as word Affirmation and a Newton cradle, to symbolize that Affirmation can change

Affirmations are phrases or statements that , if used consistently, can have a positive effect on your subconscious mind. Whether you say them out loud or to yourself, they can shift negative perspectives to positive ones. Your subconscious thoughts about yourself, your world and others determine what appears on the screen of your life. Positive affirmations can change your view of the world which , in turn, changes your experiences. Happier thoughts attract happier experiences and more of them. It is a simple exercise that I practice daily and have had exceptional results. It is a discipline that improves with practice like any other discipline. Here is an interesting article about them:

3) Practice Visualization

Visualization - All About Vision

Visualization can be defined as the process of establishing a mental image of whatever you desire to experience in your life. The more that you attach your emotions and five senses to the image the better. Doing this strengthens the impact of the visualization. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what is reality or fantasy. Remember that you are always creating something with your thoughts . The more mindful you are of your thought patterns, the more control you will have over them. Visualization doesn’t have to be forced. It should be something that you look forward to with pleasant thoughts. Ideally, you are establishing a most pleasant image that expresses your deepest desires. Consider creating a vision board: . This is what heaven looks like to me. It is an existence in which I am surrounded by people that I care about and care about me. I am also engaged in activities whether it be meaningful work, travel, food , drink or entertainment that is “heaven” to me. This experiences are occurring on a consistent basis each and every day of my life. I might face challenges, but , ultimately, I have conditioned myself to look for the good in all circumstances. Sounds simple perhaps, not necessarily easy, but , eventually, ..possible!

4) Don’t ask…Command

Conscious Creators - Dreaming into Being - Entrepreneurs -

You are the Creator. The same power that flows through you creates stars, worlds, galaxies, etc. As I have already stated, your thoughts become things ALWAYS. What you establish as your reality MUST happen! You have to be patient though because every creation has a gestation period. Think about childbirth. “Birthing” your ideal experience is no different. Certain realizations  will manifest immediately while others might take days , months or years. This why it is important to establish your vision and be confident within yourself that is a done deal without having to see the physical proof. DO not tolerate doubt . Doubt sends a signal that you do not truly believe it is possible. This is why affirmations, visualization, gratitude journals and other exercises are so useful. Place your order to the universe trusting that your higher knows all things and is working behind the scenes on your behalf. There will always be goals to accomplish and dreams to realize. Remember not to forget to enjoy the journey. Your are infinite spirit here on this physical plan within time and space to experience all that you can for your personal benefit and growth. Be determined to have your best experiences on your terms. You can have heaven on earth. You deserve it. Expect it. Command it. You experience who you are or rather, how you see yourself. Be awesome because you already are 🙂 Until next time…

Conscious Creators - Dreaming into Being - Entrepreneurs -

Speaking Truth to Power

Truth Quotes - BrainyQuote

What does the phrase “speaking truth to power” mean anyway? In Pop Culture, according to the Urban Dictionary, it is defined as “A phrase adopted by dissidents who’ve chosen a non-violent approach by using truth to oppose perceived acts of oppression by the government.” I have a different definition. Your words are powerful. You are a creator whether you are conscious of it or not . Both your thoughts AND words become things. You also have your own experiences and way of seeing the world. You possess strengths, gifts and talents. Perhaps you know what they are or not. Either way, you have them and they are unique to you. Others may possess similar ones, but none of them are exactly like you. You are an original. There isn’t nor has there ever been anyone exactly like you. There are those out there who you are destined to meet. They are waiting for you to show up as the best version of yourself whether they are aware of it or not. You will inspire them to become the best version of themselves somehow or some way. This is how special you are. My definition of speaking truth to power is you having the courage to stand and reveal to the world who you truly are. It is time to step into you greatness. It is time to reevaluate your goals and ambitions to determine if they are truly yours or based on outside influences. Have you ever been introduced to your authentic self? Where do you find him/her/them? The way is within and absolutely no one can do it for you. It is there that that you will discover your true super power(s). This is the ultimate knowledge, but please understand this truth. Knowledge in and of itself is not power, practical knowledge is .

Speaking your truth to power has to do with you declaring what makes you wonderfully and uniquely you. Declare your truth unapologetically with both confidence and joy. It is only when you do that you experience true freedom. Life is not supposed to be lived in a straight line. Life is supposed to be a dance. Don’t leave this life with your music still playing. Let’s dance !!!

Dance Of Joy GIFs | Tenor
Dance Of Joy GIFs | Tenor
Rainbow Dance GIFs | Tenor

God In Me, Through Me , As Me

God Redeemed us to make us God in Life and Nature


We are God. More to the point, you are “God”. I can explain. Nothing nor anyone is truly seperate. The same energy that creates stars and planets flows through you and me. Everything is energy at it’s most basic components. You are energy. You are infinite energy and power.

You are Source that has taken on a form and an identity or genetic code as a human. Every living thing has a genetic code. It is as if we are each wearing an organic spacesuit that we each call our “body”. We use this body as a vessel to help as navigate within this linear illusion that we call a life. 

We have subjected ourselves to limitations although in reality we are more powerful than we can ever imagine.We each possess unquantifiable power. Our thoughts are power. We are creators by nature. We have the ability to bend reality with our thoughts. The more conscious we are of this fact , the more empowered we will each become. The more we practice consciously creating, the clearer we are about what we desire to experience,the quicker that experience will be realized. We each have the ability to bring heaven to earth. Where else would a god live? “GOD”=countless “gods”. The One made up of the many.

The Message- Law Of One – Inspiration


This knowledge is empowering because it supports the concept of self reliance. You have everything inside of you necessary to become your best version of you. How much more liberating is it to know that you come equipped with everything that you need for your own “salvation or rescue from mental slavery and mediocrity. It is your responsibility to free yourself from the illusion of being seperate from all G(o}od. I use the term “God” because it is a familiar term. We can easily replace the term for Source , Infinite Mind or , even better, Love. It is the power of creation and it flows through everything, everyone and everywhere. It is the source of all life and we are one with it therefore we are , in essence, it. “Gods” infinite power is our power. We only need to know it and practice using this power to manifest our ideal life. We must each learn to utilize this power to create with the material resources that we already have(Mental Alchemy) direct access to as well as to manifest more resources. As gods, we each possess the ability to bring “heaven to earth”. What I mean by “heaven” is the realm of which all ideas originate from, Infinite Mind. All inventions, products, and services originated out of no-where to now-here. This principle also applies to the conditions that we might find ourselves in both individually and collectively. Our thoughts, both consciously and subconsciously, manifest as the situations, circumstances and people that we interact with in our lives. What you experience on a daily basis is ultimately a result of your thoughts. This occurs without fail. We create whether we like it or not. It is our nature.

We are co-creators with God.

What would our lives look like if we trained ourselves to be more mindful of our thoughts? What if we made a conscious decision both individually and collectively to choose thoughts that were constructive and benecial for us . What would our world look like? This our destiny and birthright. All of the living organisms on this planet would benefit from our choice to be the version of ourselves. We would become the caretakers of this planet that we are designed to be. There would be a new earth to pass on to future generations. The future is in our hands, but for it to materialize,it must first become a burning, passion in our collective minds and hearts. Our saviour (God)exists in us , works through us, for us,as us. This reality manifests itself in our illusionary, physical world for us to experience,both positive and negative. We have the power within us to create a world we can all prosper. We will all experience heaven on earth. There is virtually nothing that we cannot accomplish once we put our MIND to it. We are GOD.

You Are Creator | Best positive quotes, Destiny quotes, You are creators

The Power of Passion

Quote of the day: "Do it with passion or not at all." — Steemit

I made a decision that each day I will do everything with passion. I decided to find passion in everything that I was doing regardless of how mundane it might have seemed. Passion adds spice to life and helps me to stay on purpose. Everything that I do is preparing me for the realization of my life vision /purpose. I am an empowerer. Each day , I live to empower someone . This is the reason that I am on the planet. I am determined to find as many ways as possible to empower people in the unique ways that I am designed to do and create a thriving business around them. I envision a world comprised of enlightened societies all over the planet inhabited by God/Self realized people. There is no greater investment than in human beings. I have the opportunity to invest in a human life with every interaction that I have as an advisor. Passion is a key ingredient in my optimum fuel that keeps me living and wanting to live. I realize that now.

Life without vision becomes dry and boring. I choose to enjoy my life and every part of it. I choose to be a conscious creator and take ownership of each situation that I find myself in on a daily basis. As humans, we are complex thinkers. We think millions of thoughts per day without even realizing it. We can learn to discipline our minds to the point of becoming aware of our thoughts.

Passion keeps me focused. I feel more engaged because I am doing something that is important to me. It is impossible to be passionate about something and not take action. Whether it be passion for a set goal , project, etc. It get’s you up in the morning looking forward to the day. Passion is linked to love which is the most powerful force in universe as well as the most creative one. Passion is also linked to emotion(energy in motion). What you truly feel about yourself as you relate to others determines what energy signal you send out. The signal that you send out determines what and who you attract to yourself. Every situation and person in your life at any given time can teach you someting about you. Remember that you are ONE with the creator therefore you ARE the creator. You are one with everything and everyone around you.

It is impossible to be truly successful at any endevour without passion. I challenge you to find any human being that was considered successful that was not passionate about what they were doing. Passion drives us to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. It inspires us to accomplish more than we would have otherwise. It gives life meaning. Passion is a necessary ingredient for creating your best life. Love and passion are crucial parts of the foundation for an established life vision. When others tell you that you can’t do something,passion inspires you to respond, “I CAN AND I WILL”. In actuality, you don’t even feel the need to respond. You already see the goal accomplished in your mind. You can FEEL it. It doesn’t matter what others think. It’s not their vision. When passion fuels a vison, that vision calls you. You are compelled. Before you know it, your vision has transitioned from psychic reality to a material reality. This is what is meant by out of nowhere, now here. The more that you are aware of this fact, the more skilled you become at being a conscious creator. Passion is the spice of LIFE.

How do you live each day with passion? Establish a vision for your life. What does your ideal career, health, finances or relationships look like? What does happiness look like to you? Again, you are a creator whether you like it or not. Both your thoughts and words are pure power. They are the same power that creates stars,planets and solar systems. You are a key part of all of that. To realize a dream, it also takes patience. Everything that you see, think and do on a daily basis contribute towards the realization of how you see yourself and what you are doing. This is a universal law and without fail. This is why it is necessary to have a positive vision for yourself and your life. You are “God-In-Action”. You will either bring heaven to earth or hell. It really is your choice whether you are aware of it or not. I am using religious terms, but the concept transcends religion and applies to everybody. Apply passion to the everyday activities and events of life because you realize that no action nor thought is ever in vain. By doing so, you are drawing your ideal life vision into this material existence. Passion must be tempered by a disciplined mind. Train yourself to be mindful of your thoughts and actions on a daily basis. This action becomes easier with practice. Each day spend time in meditation even if it is for 10 minutes. Practice non-thinking in order to think clearer and become more mindful. You will begin to live each day with purpose therefore finding meaning in whatever you are doing. A meaningful existence is a passionate one. Live your BEST life. Live with passion.

The Time Is Always Now

The time is always now to live your best life. Stop overthinking it. Regardless of how lofty or outlandish it seems, start where you are at. You don’t have to have all of the answers. Start where you are. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be willing to pivot if you need to. I spent a large part of my life talking about what I wanted to do, but always allowed myslf to get distracted with important priorities. I realize now that there will always be “things” to do. Things are a part of life, but they aren’t all of it. The world needs dreamers not afraid to dream big dreams.

Be determined to take inspred action every single day no matter how small it might seem. Keep your vision in the front of your mind. Spent time every day daydreaming of how a typical day in your ideal life experience looks like. Have fun with it . Don’t try to force it. but stay consistent with it. Your daydreaming with a purpose. The purpose is to connect with this ideal lifestyle vision using as many of your senses as possible(see, hear,smell,taste and touch). If you stay consistent with engaging your senses while envisioning, the experience becomes more real. Remember that your subconscious mind doesn’t know the  difference between fact or fiction. It simply puts on the screen which appears as your daily life what you perceive to be true. The more conscious you are of this point, the more aware and deliberate you will be with your thoughts and actions. Regardless of how you either perceive or respond to life events, the result will reveal itself in time. You are a creator whether you aware or not . Choose to practice creating consciously what you desire to experience. Don’t give up on  the idea of your established vision being realized. Allow your higher self to determine the necessary sequence of events. Stay in the flow and have fun with the process knowing that it MUST come to fruition. You do not need to know how. Remain positive no matter the appearance of things at any moment. Challenges are ALWAYS  temporary. It might not seem so at the time, but they are. You ARE the creator. Remember that you are an infinite being having a finite experience. Time is an illusion. There are no clocks in space 🙂 All that truly exist is the eternal now. Ground yourself in a vision of life that authentically suits you. There is no need to try to force it because forcing connotes doubt. Simply now and expect. If you go to a fast food restaurant, you expect to get served the food that you paid for. If it takes a long time, you might get impatient, but you don’t doubt that you will get your food. You paid for it. The investment was made. How much more valuable is it for you to invest the time and energy into thinking inspired thoughts and taking inspired action? Time is in place to serve us and so is our thoughts. Choose to practice gratitude as well. Find the good in whatever your situation is now. Capitalize on those thoughts and discipline yourself to reflect on them daily. Make it a primary focus because as a creator, what you focus on expands. This exercise is necessary for starting to live your best life now. You start living it in your mind first before it starts to appear on the screen of your life. Why wait? The time will always be NOW.

IBOGIRL LIVING: WHY IT'S IMPORTANT TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE NOW |  Motivational quotes, Inspirational quotes, Positive quotes        100 Inspirational Quotes That Will Make You Love Life Again - Lifehack  15 Motivational Quotes To Inspire You To Live Your Best Life

Grind vs Grit: What is the Difference?

Grinding is a very popular term these days. This is especially the case in the hip hop culture. Grinding has to do with putting the work in to get what you want. In our culture , we are taught that in order to be successful , you have to work hard at something in order to get results. We are taught that this is a noble task. Let’s look at the dictionaries definition of “grind”. According to the dictionary , grind refers to hard, dull work as in ” relief from the daily grind.” There is definitely nothing glamorous about grinding. It’s following the same tired routine day in and day out. It’s about keeping your head down, biting your tongue and following the herd for 20 or 30 years only to receive a retirement packcage that , if your lucky , will be equivalent to half of your current salary. In other words, ” Congratulations, devoted employee for reaching your retirement age working to make us , the leadership, wealthy. In exchange for your committed yearly service, take this gold monogramed watch, pen and retirement pay. Now go on and live the rest of your life getting older , sicker , poorer and waiting to die. Thanks again.”. That’s what I think of when I think about the word “grinding”. Don’t believe the hype. No other species , but humans, grind. A fulfilled life is a life lived in the flow.

Grit has to do with a personal calling. You have a drive that propels you forward because you have established a vision that you are emotionally tied to. This vision is actually a part of you. It is as if the vision is calling you. You feel it in your heart , mind and gut. You can’t shake it. If allowed to, it will consume you. It’s okay. It is the reason why you are here. Nothing else will do. Own it. This is the stuff of grit.

It takes grit to realize your dreams. It takes a determination that that might transcend the understanding of those that are closest to you. It’s okay. It takes grit to follow your dreams into their state of reality. Embrace the journey and be determined to enjoy the ride. There is no true arrival. There is only mountain after mountain to conquer and growing stronger and stronger from the experience. You are mighty! Both the victories and the challenges make for a fulfilled life. Embrace it all. Ultimately, it’s all good. Be determined that it is. Stay present AND determined learning as you go. Let’s GO!!!

Grit is tied to not only perseverence , but also passion. Do you have a goal or , better yet, a life purpose that you are passionate about? What is your idea of a fulfilling life? What is excites you? I am passionate about seeing others realize their potential and using my words to help others to do just that! I love to see people succeed on their own terms. I call it “blooming”. I get visions for people for what I see they are capable of becoming. I literally see their potential life in my mind and that vision excites me. I literally get gitty. It is like a drug. I love sharing my vision for a person with them. I get excited witnessing and sharing with someone about their capabilities. For me, there is no greater investment than in human beings whether it is with words, time or money. Human potentiality has been my passion longer than I can remember. I am a natural counselor, advisor, teacher. consultant or coach. This is why I started the blog as well as applied for my current job as a Senior Academic and Career Advisor with a leading college. My passion flows out of me like water. It is as natural for me as breathing. The visions that I get for others leaves me in a state of passion and bliss. It is my opinion that these two states should be our default states as humans. We should each be living lives of unbridled passion and bliss while engaging in activities that foster these emotions. They are natural driving forces of which grit is a byproduct. As the saying goes, ” When you work at what you love, you never “work” a day in life.” As Joseph Campbell wrote, ” Follow your bliss.” Anything else is settling. Bliss , passion, perseverence and hope are some of the characteristics that fuel grit as well as differentiates it from grinding. Outside of humans, no other species on this planet grinds. Every other species does what they are designed to do, day in and day out. We sabotage ourselves with our overthinking and our concern with what others thing about us. Other species are too busy living their best life to do that. We tend to overcomplicate our lives creating challengs and problems that don’t need to exist. It is a vicious cyle. For many of us, we follow the same dull, repetitive routine every day a large chunk of because we have been taught that it what we are supposed to do. Doing what you love to do each day of your life is heaven on earth. Many of us settle for “catching hell.” It is my conviction is that both “heaven” and “hell” or states of mind. It is a choice. We each have the ability to assume either state. Whichever one is at our minds forefront is realized in our experience. We are creators of both. We are not here to live lives of quiet desperation grinding away. We are each called to be conscious creators patiently applying grit towards creating our ideal life experiences ie “heaven on earth”. What other lifestyle can be sweeter?!! We are each here to experience life to the full. The vision is different for each of us. Create purposefully regardless of what is occurring moment by moment aligning yourself with the natural flow of creation . Trust this flow, while staying present, paying attention and trusting the process. When we do this life becomes exciting and we are energized . This state is a natural fuel for the realization of our desires compelling us forward while being determined to grow and learn from every experience. This is the stuff of grit. You can’t live life to your greatest potential while living your best life without it.What drives you?

We are each here to demonstrate God. “God” can be an extremely loaded term. When I refer to God, I am referring to unlimited potentiality existing to be expressed through both you and me. If we are each here to demonstrate God then it is a natural conclusion for me to assume that we are also here to establsh our own personal vision of “heaven”. This realization takes grit. Leave “catching hell” to the grinders. As I stated, we are called to be concscious creators. Let’s create together.

Stop Overthinking, Enough Already!!

I’m talking to myself. I realized that I have a history of overthinking. Overthinking is fear disquised as caution or wisdom. Overthinking appears in the form of questions starting with ” What if I…?”. Those type of questions will stop you in your tracks if you allow them to.

The truth of the matter is that the situations that you fear will happen , in many cases, NEVER happen. Our fear to take action tends to be based on our perception of our past or fear of our future. In both cases, our concerns are based on half truths at best. Our perception of events is based on our view, but not every possible one.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for critical thinking. I ‘m just realizing that the time to act on an idea is always now. Do something,,,, anything just take action. Take consistent action. Ask the “what if” questions as you consistently move forward. Do not allow yourself to be crippled by the never ending quest for perfection. It is better to figure it out through trial and error as you go. At least you are moving. Celebrate the fact that you had the courage to take action. Take action until the goal is accomplished. Celebrate the victories big and small along the way. Enjoy the journey while paying close attention to the lessons along the way. You will be better for it. Look back to see how far you have come. You might surprise yourself once you realize what you are capable of.

As stated earlier, as I am writing to you , I am also speaking to myself. I have been a chronic overthinker for a large part of my life. I have been speaking to myself and others about escaping the “rat race” for years. In most cases, I either crippled myself with “what ifs” or been distracted with what I called life. I would justify my actions or lack of with being responsible. I would ask questions such as “What if I can’t support my family?” or “What if I fail?” The question that I should have been asking was ” What type of opportunities will my family have once I achieve my goals?” or ” What problems will I be able to solve due to my newly found success that otherwise would not have been possible?” There is nothing wrong with asking questions as long as they are the right ones. I have learned my lesson. The time to act is always NOW. Don’t make the move “rocket science.” Figure it out as you go. Just be sure to GO!! Keep going, never quit and don’t be afraid to pivot. If you have to take a different route or adjust your plan, it’s okay. Don’t give up. Think about the end result. Think about the sense of accomplishment. How much is it worth to you?

Stop overthinking.

The Time is Always Now.

“Focus more on your desire than on your doubt, and the dream will take care of itself.”

Mark twain

I have spent most of my life overthinking things. I have allowed it to cripple me for a large part of my life. Overthinking can take on the disguise of wisdom. The overthinker has perfectionist tendencies. They tend to dwell on the worse case scenarios that more times than not, never EVER happen. I have spent a large part of my life living in fear of failure of not living up to my responsibilities as a husband and father. For the longest time I have shouted from the rooftops the dangers of remaining status quo. I have often said that I don’t like being told what to do and that I am not designed to work for anyone and yet I never committed to a single game plan. I have had countless great ideas, but never followed through with them. None of them captured my attention. I always felt that there was something better around the corner. I have been turning corners for years. I have been in some challenging situations and yet still allowed the fear of not taking care of my responsibilities stop me in my tracks. What it is it going to take? Enough already!! It is time to act . It is always time to act even if you don’t know what is around the corner. Act anyway and you will find out when you get there. The plan doesn’t have to be perfect. It isn’t necessary for success, but the willingness to press on despite being afraid is.
I will learn as I go. Every day I will take a step, even if it is a small one. It is time to take my own advice. I am here to change the world and save it from itself. I am a wayshower and the way is within me as it is within you. Anyone who comes to me must leave better than when they came to me. I am here to empower others with my words and personal example. I am here to show humanity who they truly are even if I have to show them one person at a time. I will encourage at least one person each day for the rest of my life as Todd Lee. I will start there. Each day I want to show someone how great they are. I want to share something personal , unique and ideal with them. I want to provide each person with something that will benefit them for their own personal journey specifically. I will give each individual something of value that will help them find their “True North”. I am here to inspire the world. The best way that I can help anyone is to help them to help themselves. The best way that I can inspire someone to do that is to do it for myself. My world changes as my thoughts about myself and everyone else around me changes. The quest for self realization is the noblest task. It is time. There is no greater investment than in human beings starting with myself. The time is now to invest in my own awakening. What about yours? There has never been nor will there ever be anyone walking this planet exactly like you. You are not an accident. Your are both a special and crucial piece of this life puzzle. You fit perfectly , simply and only as your own authentic self. You showing up each day to the world as you genuinely are is the greatest gift that you can give the world and yourself. Remember that nothing is truly seperate. We are each unique aspects of the whole. We are one. Self realization is the key to a well lived life. It is time to live your best one. The time is ALWAYS now. Now is all that truly is… Until next time…

Quotes About Self Realization. QuotesGram

Baptism of Fire and Water

Baptism of Fire

Baptism of fire - Global Times

Baptism means to immerse. When I speak of “baptism of fire”, I am not referring to a physical fire, but rather a psychological and spiritual one. I am referring to a process of purification and refinement. Precious metals such as gold and silver go through a purification process in order to burn away impurities and bring out their brilliance. Diamonds are also formed out of exposure from intense heat. As humans , we have the opportunity to be “purified through our challenges(fire) if we disipline ourselves to find the good in any and all circumstances . This is growth. This mindset creates an opportunity for those who are determined to be “trained” by their challenges. This is key to developing a growth mindset,

The baptism of fire is the furnace that we go through when facing challenges. The furnace can be painful. It is a purging process. Our challenges present us with opportunities for growth. Challenges can prove valuable lessons for us. We grow in character. The furnace purifies us. It makes us stronger. It prepares us for even greater opportunities. It shows us what we are made of.

Life gives us numerous opportunities to grow and learn. We are not meant to stay stagnant. We have the ability to choose whether or not what we are going through is a good or bad experience. It is a matter of perspective. We can train ourselves to identify the good in any and every situation no matter how traumatic. No circumstance is permanent. A baptism of fire or water is symbolic of our preferred viewpoint of the situations that we find ourselves in. How we recieve these experiences has a direst impact on the outcome. it is all relative. We are each creators of our own individualized life stories, scene by scene. The more we grow in our ability to stay aware of our mental and emotional states, the more empowered we become.

Through this consistent practice we earn the right to play the part of both a character and the narrator of our story. We become conscious, deliberate creators of each scene. Our life experiences start to take on new meaning. There is a constant unfolding and opportunity for self realization. We begin to enjoy the journey further realizing that there is no true arrival . Life is an eternal play with infinite transitional scenes. We are here to create and experience period.There is no judgement. There is no one outside of you keeping score. Everything that you are witnessing in your outer world is a result of what’s occurring in your inner world. There are no exceptions. This is a good thing. You are the creator. If you don’t like your experience, you can create something different. Anything is possible. It is all an illusion anyway. This doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy it. Ultimately,that is the whole purpose of it.

Baptism of Water

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Water represents life. It also represents birth, fertility and refreshment. Water is used to put out fires. Going through a baptism of fire can be followed by a baptism of water. If you choose to learn and grow from your experience, that mindset can open doors to new possibilities. Challenges serve as preparation that position us to take advantage of them. It pays to be a student of life. Each experience and person that arrives in your life comes to teach you something about yourself. Life provides you with numerous opportunities to grow and evolve into the person that you are destined to become if you choose that path. New opportunities and possibilities emerging after a challenging period represent the chance at “new life”. This is the baptism of water.

Both terms , baptism of fire and baptism of water, refer to states of mind that can be adopted as a means of being actively involved in your own creation process. To step into the role of a conscious creator, an evolution of consciousness is required. This is an ongoing process that , at times, seems uncomfortable yet proves rewarding on numerous levels. We each come into this life equpped with all that we need to live our best life.This doesn’t mean that we won’t experience challenge. Challenge is necessary for growth. Each problem comes with a solution. They are opposite sides of the same coin. Choose to define yourself by your victories over your challenges rather than the challenges themselves. It is a mindset. Estabish within yourself to be “purified” by the furnaces of life,. At the same time, anticipate refreshment and renewal on the other side of each one of them. You are a born winner. It is time to claim your inheritance. You are blessed with the gift of choice. You can either choose to be a victim or a conqueror. Set your mind. Go forth and conquer . Until next time…

10 Interesting Facts About William The Conqueror | Learnodo Newtonic