Hi there. I just wanted to take a moment to reach out to my supporters to let you know that I read all of your comments. I apologize for waiting so long to get back with you. I have been very busy at work. I promise to reply to each comment. I also wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the positive and constructive feedback. I take every comment to heart. Each of your opinions matters greatly to me.
My desire is to inspire everyone that I can through the spoken and written word. It is my passion to help others to realize their highest potential in every area of their lives. I love see others “bloom”. It is my conviction that true spirituality should empower you. Spirit is who you are. You are literally “spirit” having a human experience. Our true nature is one of unconditional love.
When I speak of love, I am not referring to the commercialized version of it. Love is the most creative force in the universe and we are all part of it. There are no mistakes. You are limitless infinite and all powerful. We all are both individually and collectively. We are One.
This is why are “Thoughts Become Things”. Sound familiar? Every word and thought that comes through us has an effect on some level. It is our nature. We can’t help creating or manifesting. In reality, the substance of all things already exist because it is part of us. Do not get discouraged with the lapse of time that “seems” to occur. This also an illusion. Time can be a valuable ally. You are here to thrive not simply survive.
You(We) are God discovering itself. We are constantly learning and evolving. There is no true ending to life rather there are countless “transitions”. Choose to enjoy life to the fullest. This IS the reason you exist. We are each unique aspects of the whole. This is why it is vital that you both discover and embrace who you truly are. You have yet to tap into you full potential. Guess what you never will because you are limitless.
We must each learn to fall in love with the “process”. Enjoy the journey with all of the twist and turns. You will never truly die. All is well. Wellness is also your natural state. Each problem exist to teach you something. Devout yourself to learn as you go. Atop taking yourself so seriously. Have fun. At times , it is easier said then done, but always possible. We are limitless and all powerful remember?
Currently, I am going through one of the most challenging times of my life . I am more determined than ever. My greatest fears have been realized , yet , both my family and I are still standing. I have come to realize that both problems and solutions go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other. Each challenge is an opportunity for growth.
In order to get the most out of this life, we must master ourselves. Our thoughts become things. We must , first, master our thoughts which , in turn, will determine our actions. This is why it is so vital to be true to ourselves about what it is that we truly desire in every area of life . We don’t have to settle for anything. Be authentic.
Let’s face our F.E.A.R.S.( False Evidence Appearing Real) together. You do both yourself and the world a great injustice not fully expressing your brilliance. No more holding back. This world needs you. Join me. Embrace YOU. Onward!!! Until next time 🙂
Author Archives: thecou22
You Are Both the Observed and the Observer.
Have you ever heard the expression” God is watching you”? Growing up, this phrase was mentioned every time that there was a suspicion of me getting into mischief. The idea of some all powerful “giant” celestial being that was keeping note of everything I did, like Santa Claus. The only exception though was that if you were “bad” , Santa wouldn’t bring you any toys, but , with God , the consequences for “badness” were far worse, possibly permanent. Growing up, I always believed in a higher power even if I didn’t regularly go to a church or was e member for that matter.In my early 20’s , I went through a phase where I got extremely religious and judgemental of those who didn’t share my convictions. This phase lasted for about 11 years. Out of nowhere, I started questioning my belief system. I started asking myself why I was doing what I was doing and how was I truly benefitting from it. To this day, I have no idea why I started to quesion myself. I simply started asking questions which led to more questions. No one had answers that satisfied me not even the leadership. It was like scales falling off of my eyes. Throughout the process, I never questioned the idea of a “higher power” . I questioned organized religion. The same institution that previously provided me with “salvation” became my prison. I came to the conclusion that it was time to move on and inward for the answers. It is a daily conscious journey that I have been on for the past 10+ years. In that time, I have experienced a lot of healing,enlightened and empowerment. I have also experienced numerous challenges as well which , without fail, have always lead me to more healing,enlightenment and empowerment. Ultimately, I have come to several conclusions:1) There is a higher power ,but that power resides in me . It is the source of my life and every life form . 2) We are all connected to this source. It is not only in us, but IS us. We are all individual manifestations of the Source.3) This higher power is not gender specific ,but is represented through both genders( i.e. he,she , it, etc)4) It is my conviction that the natural state of this higher power is love…unconditional love.
The love that I am writing about is not the Hallmark card commercialized love that you might find familiar. I mean love that is the most creative,resilient , unrelenting, therefore , most powerful force in the universe. The bible , if you believe in it, identifies love as God with a capital “G”. It is the indominitable force that not only created you , but lives through you whether you acknowledge it or not. It is non-judgemental. It is the presence that , if you remain still in order to look within yourself , is observing you while you are observing it. It gives you the power to reason while keeping your heart beating.You wouldn’t exist without it. It connects each one of us while being the cause of our uniqueness. We are each a unique expression of this one Source.There are no exceptions. It gives us life yet it exists to serve us. It dwells in our subconscious expressing who we truly are in our thoughts and feelings . The individual circumstances of our lives are a manifestation brought to life by this power due to our thoughts. The power makes no judgements. Rather it responds to our deepest thoughts and emotions. There is no hiding from it , yet when we are acknowledge it and “align” ourselves with it, we become all powerful. When we realize that we are one as well as condition ourselves to be monitor our thoughts this power becomes a most valuable ally. It will always “manifest” based on our truest desires. This key for us to live an authentic life. The Source never fails. It is not limited by time nor present circumstances. The more focused you are on what you truly desire, the more deliberate it gets. It always delivers. It controls the details. We only need to stay certain of what we desire without concerning ourselves with how it’s going to happen. The “how” is none of our business:) You can’t fool it. It is not intelligent rather it is the source of intelligence. Nothing exist outside of it. It is your highest self. No one knows you better than it does because it is a direct reflection of you , therefore, it is both the observer and the observed. For each of us to have the best relationship with it , we must be true to ourselves about who we are and what we truly desire out of life. The power ( God,Source , Universe, “Ralph”,whatever!!!) will reflect it without judgement, therefore, do not be afraid to express your authentic self. You exist for that purpose. Don’t settle for mediocrity. There is truly no such thing as failure. You are limited only by your thinking. There is no more meaningful task than living to your potential which is literally limitless. In the process of doing so, you give others the “permission” to do it themselves. Simply be yourself. We’re all connected remember?
Happiness Is a Choice
I’m sure that we can all agree that life happens to all of us .The good, bad and ugly parts. Each of us have our share of each category with arguably different amounts of the three. We may seem to not have control over certain circumstances, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t control our reactions . It is normal to get upset when faced with a challenge or unexpected hardship yet we have the ability to conditon our minds to look for the opportunity within the challenge. It can be debated that “blessing” and challenge are opposite sides of the same coin. At certain times, the blessing(s) might not be as obvious therefore requiring us to do some “digging” in order to find it. Depending on the circumstances, we might have to regain our composure in order to think clearly. There might be some “mental wrestling involved ,initially, but , with perseverence and patience, we can win. I am not saying that it will be easy , but it is , by far , worth it. Consider this, at our core, we our energy. Our emotional states serve as magnets attracting both people and circumstances that directly match with our current emotional state. Despite your current situation ,perservere with focusing on the brighter side of things while making the effort to change your circumstances without stressing over it. Eventually, better opportunities will present themselves. Training your mind to be generally optimistic about life overall leads to establishing a more consistent state of genuine happiness. This state has the added benefit of contributing towards both improved mental and physical health as well as emotional. It affects not only how you react to certain situations , but also how you respond to others as well. The more you “practice” happiness, the more it will become natural for you. It will become contagious to others around you. It will change how you talk, walk and carry on your daily activities. People are drawn to you because they are impacted by your positive attitude. They will tend to open up to you. They will like having you around. Happy people have a greater work ethic. They are pleasant work with and don’t complain. Overall, they are more successful both personally and professionally. People who are sincerely and consistently happy make more money. The practice of happiness has long reaching benefits that improve every area of life. Happiness not only changes your attitude, it changes your world as well as impacting everyone in it. Here’s to your happiness:)
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt.5- Create a Plan
The French writer ,Antoine de Saint-Exupery, was quoted as saying,” A goal without a plan is just wish.” You can’t be truly focused without a plan. Write it down on paper and be as detailed as possible. Post it where you can look at it constantly. Writing out your plan helps the idea to etched not only in your consciousness, but, most importantly, your subconscious. Our subconscious minds determine our actions, outcomes and what we attract into our lives.This why positive affirmations are so effect because they assist us in reconditioning our subconscious. Be consistent with following your plan, yet patient . Remember that life happens with all of its unexpected twist and turns. In every situation, there is an opportunity to grow and ,at times, it may seem overwhelming, but be always remember that it is temporary. Try your best to stick to your plan, but don’t drive yourself crazy over it. Learn to take a deep breath whether literally, figuratively or both. Whichever is needed at the moment to settle you down. You have to train yourself to be “still” in order to learn the lesson in the challenge and there is always one to learn. The one who is focused on the realization of their vision will not only identify the lesson in the seemingly insurmountable challenge, but will use it as a stepping stone to move him/her further towards their destination. No experience is wasted.Establish your plan without obsessing about the details. Life has it’s own way of working those out. Once you have see your vision realized from the end , engage yourself in the work that is in front of you. The rest will take care of itself. Believe it. Know it.
Dream With Your Eye’s Open- Part.7 (Never, Ever Give Up!!!)
Do you know the difference between 99% of the population and the 1%? The 1% choose not to settle. The “self made” among them know exactly want they want and never give up until their goal is met. What happens after that? The next goal. As God “being human”(which is who we are), we are designed to evolve , to grow continuously in every way possible. We each are unique in our own way. We all have “gifts” to share. For many of us, these gifts remain “untapped” . Some gifts or talents are more obvious, yet regardless of what your talents are, if you do not use or develop them , if you decide to settle for status quo you will never realize your full potential. Most of us never do. In order to do so takes constant practice and a willingness to be uncomfortable. To persevere even when it seems hopeless. When ALL odds seem against you yet something in you absolutely refuses to give up.No matter what. in order to truly realize our potential in any area of our life, we must become both immersed and obsessed with success on our own terms. We can never ever give up!!!
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt.6-Be Flexible
Okay, so know you know exactly what you desire and you have established a clear vision. You are also doing everything that you can ,at the moment, to realize your dream. There is only one problem.. Life!!!
Yep, life happens with all of its setbacks and unexpected challenges. Most people tend to either settle into mediocrity or don’t even try to go after what they really want out of life because of either the fear of failure or distractions.
People who are most successful keep their goals in mind despite challenges and setbacks. They stay focused,driven and unafraid to fail. They choose to learn from their challenges. They remain flexible. Flexibility is necessary in life because events can occur to either distract or discourage us at anytime. No one is immune. Learn to find the opportunity in every circumstance. You can train yourself to not get discouraged by life’s curve balls or , at least, not to stay there. Curve balls can serve as preparation for stepping into your aspired position. Keep your options open. Stop trying to control the details. That isn’t our “job”. Practice fixing your mind on the final vision. Leave the details of how it will be manifested to the expert. The universe, God , Higher Self, Source, etc. Doesn’t matter what you call it. It’s always working ” behind the scenes”. Learn to to be flexible and let go. Don’t worry yourself about how it’s going to happen. Train yourself to live in the present as if it has already happened… and it will. Know it and eventually you will realize it and not only you , but those around you will see it ,namely , the supporters and doubters. Stay flexible. It WILL work itself out.
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt.4- Start Where Your At
If you are waiting for the right opportunity to present itself in order for your dream to be realized you might wait forever. Seeing it from the end ,although primary, is not enough. Take action. Research your project. Ask questions. Seek out the advice of the experts. Read and read some more. Commit yourself to your own self development. No money you say? Go to the library and inquire about resources on both grants and philanthropic organizations whose missions align with your cause. You must put the time in. This is why it is important to be true to yourself about what it is that you truly desire.
You must have the right motivations to fuel your passion . There is work to be done. It is necessary for you to stay committed to the realization of your dream because it expresses who you truly are as a human being. You will never run out of fuel. If you do not stay committed to the expression of your true self, you will burn up and out like a falling star. What drives you?!! What makes you tick? Once you answer that question for yourself, nothing should stop you.You will be devoted to the realization of your dream at all levels. If it changes overtime, not a problem. It’s all part of the journey to self discovery. An inner journey. Either way , make no mistake, YOU MUST TAKE ACTION. Start stepping. You don’t have to have all of the details , but you do need true desire and courage . You”ll learn as you go. Until next time…
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt.3- See It From the End
After you have made the decision to be honest with yourself about what you truly desire in life, it is time to visualize your ideal life or , at least, some aspect of it. Ask yourself the question, “What does it look like? How does it feel to live a day in my ideal life? Imagine what it would feel like to wake up each day or, better yet, go to bed anticipating the activities of the next day. Living your dream each and every day. What would it be like to be immersed in your authentic personal passion. Can you get any closer to heaven on earth? Most of us accept our current circumstances. We tend to accept what we experience with our five senses as real, but what if that isn’t really the case? What if reality is based on perception. What what we experience with our five senses is really the result of our anticipating mindset. Reality originates in the mind and is largely based on perception.
We must practice “presence” yet setting our minds on the complete manifestation of our ideal experience( career, relationship, money, new car, etc). It also must be understood that seeing our goal accomplished from the end doesn’t mean that there won’t be challenges. On the contrary, you might be faced with several challenges. Many which, at the time, might seem insurmountable. Take heart. As a wise man said,”Faith is sure of what you hope for and certain of what you don’t see.” It is especially important to stay”fixed” on your vision when it seems impossible to be realized. At that moment when you have done all that you know to do to realize your dream then it is time to let go and watch events unfold. This may not come easy, but it is possible with practice. Consistent practice. It is at this point that many fall short of realizing their dream. They get caught with what is happening at that moment. Continue to see your vision for your ideal life from the end. Do not get consumed with the details. Plans are necessary and great, but so is keeping an open mind. It does not have to happen exactly the way that you want it to happen. There are countless routes to the manifestation of your vision. Let the universe handle the details. This what it does best. Practice getting and staying out of your own way. Our responsibility is to stay relentlessly fixed on our vision. No matter what the situation may look like or what the “experts” say. Its OK. It’s not their dream. They will see it when it is realized. Out of nowhere… NOW HERE. Until next time.
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt. 2: Honesty( Be True to Yourself)
Dreaming with your eye’s open has to do with taking practical steps to realize your ideal vision for your life. The first step is honesty. First and foremost, be true to yourself and stay that way. What does your ideal life look like? ideal career? relationship? How do you feel as your envisioning the “ideal” you? Have fun. Play with it. Nothing is off limits. Most people don’t truly take time out to figure out what they really want out of life.Being true to yourself is crucial for ultimate success. Success isn’t limited to material wealth. True success is directly linked to being comfortable in your own skin.Living every moment genuine while pursuing interest that excite you and add value to your life. What would life look and feel like if you were engrossed in a career as well as surrounded by people that brought significant value to your life while you brought the same value to their lives.Having all of your needs met and more . Being successful on your own terms. Do yourself a favor and stop being afraid. Stop doubting yourself. Stop living to please others. Ignore the naysayers. I once read a quote stating” When someone undermines your dreams,predicts your doom, or criticizes you in any way, remember, they’re telling you their story, not yours.” Profound words. Take courage. Be honest with yourself in order to liberate yourself. It is impossible to realize your dreams without truly knowing and embracing who you truly are and what you desire…and loving it!!!
There is absolutely no one on earth exactly like you. Embrace this fact. Your true happiness as well as the rest of the world is depending on it. Whether the world knows it or not. You simply being your authentic self inspires others to realize their true selves. Be honest with yourself. Be authentic. Be your best “YOU”. See what happens.
Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt.1
Many of us have dreams of how we would like our lives to look like. How many of us truly stay focused on making our dreams a reality? Most of us settle for mediocrity.
Many of us can’t even see a way out of our situation. Our dreams stay in the “wish” stage. We wish for a while only to go back to reality. What if our perceived reality was just that? Based entirely on our perception. What if the our true reality was our dream pleading to “come out” and be realized?
It is my opinion that more times than not, this is the case. The question is what are we going to do about? We have the choice of either dismissing our dreams as “wishful thinking” returning to our daily mundane routine where it is “safe” perhaps even comfortable, but are we happy? truly? or complacent and scared?
Initially, it can seem overwhelming. Where do you start? One thing is for certain. Anyone who ever made their mark in the world was a dreamer. The term has gotten a negative rap over the years. Anytime that one decides to step out of the box, their action can be faced with disapproval from others. It many cases, by those closest to us. In their minds, they might be see themselves talking sense to us. I used to get angry when others voiced skepticism concerning my ideas or aspirations. Although it is nice to receive support from others you care about, I realize now that if they don’t see eye to eye with me, it’s ok. It isn’t their dream. When the dream is manifested, THEN they will see it. Perhaps when they do, it will inspire them to give themselves the “permission” to realize their dreams. Most naysayers are such because they are afraid themselves whether they realize it or not. Many of us have been conditioned not to think outside the box and take the necessary risks to realize our dreams. It isn’t a surprise to me that so many pioneers in different areas discovered success through hardships. It can take a seemingly catastrophic event to wake us up. We are forced to dig deep in order discover power that we never knew we had. It can be challenging. Trust me, I’m in it, but I am more determined every day!! We must learn to dream with our eye’s open. What do I mean? Take consistent action to realize our dreams once we have determined what we really desire out of life. We envision our ideal life as already accomplished while at the same time utilizing our present day resources to manifest our ideal reality. I will discuss in detail , practical steps that I believe are most effective in actualizing your ideal lifestyle. Over the next several entries, I will explain each step. My desire is that you will find each suggestion useful for you in realizing your ideal lifestyle. Until then. Don’t stop dreaming.