Speaking Truth to Power

Truth Quotes - BrainyQuote

What does the phrase “speaking truth to power” mean anyway? In Pop Culture, according to the Urban Dictionary, it is defined as “A phrase adopted by dissidents who’ve chosen a non-violent approach by using truth to oppose perceived acts of oppression by the government.” I have a different definition. Your words are powerful. You are a creator whether you are conscious of it or not . Both your thoughts AND words become things. You also have your own experiences and way of seeing the world. You possess strengths, gifts and talents. Perhaps you know what they are or not. Either way, you have them and they are unique to you. Others may possess similar ones, but none of them are exactly like you. You are an original. There isn’t nor has there ever been anyone exactly like you. There are those out there who you are destined to meet. They are waiting for you to show up as the best version of yourself whether they are aware of it or not. You will inspire them to become the best version of themselves somehow or some way. This is how special you are. My definition of speaking truth to power is you having the courage to stand and reveal to the world who you truly are. It is time to step into you greatness. It is time to reevaluate your goals and ambitions to determine if they are truly yours or based on outside influences. Have you ever been introduced to your authentic self? Where do you find him/her/them? The way is within and absolutely no one can do it for you. It is there that that you will discover your true super power(s). This is the ultimate knowledge, but please understand this truth. Knowledge in and of itself is not power, practical knowledge is .

Speaking your truth to power has to do with you declaring what makes you wonderfully and uniquely you. Declare your truth unapologetically with both confidence and joy. It is only when you do that you experience true freedom. Life is not supposed to be lived in a straight line. Life is supposed to be a dance. Don’t leave this life with your music still playing. Let’s dance !!!

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Dance Of Joy GIFs | Tenor
Rainbow Dance GIFs | Tenor

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