Have you ever heard the expression” God is watching you”? Growing up, this phrase was mentioned every time that there was a suspicion of me getting into mischief. The idea of some all powerful “giant” celestial being that was keeping note of everything I did, like Santa Claus. The only exception though was that if you were “bad” , Santa wouldn’t bring you any toys, but , with God , the consequences for “badness” were far worse, possibly permanent. Growing up, I always believed in a higher power even if I didn’t regularly go to a church or was e member for that matter.In my early 20’s , I went through a phase where I got extremely religious and judgemental of those who didn’t share my convictions. This phase lasted for about 11 years. Out of nowhere, I started questioning my belief system. I started asking myself why I was doing what I was doing and how was I truly benefitting from it. To this day, I have no idea why I started to quesion myself. I simply started asking questions which led to more questions. No one had answers that satisfied me not even the leadership. It was like scales falling off of my eyes. Throughout the process, I never questioned the idea of a “higher power” . I questioned organized religion. The same institution that previously provided me with “salvation” became my prison. I came to the conclusion that it was time to move on and inward for the answers. It is a daily conscious journey that I have been on for the past 10+ years. In that time, I have experienced a lot of healing,enlightened and empowerment. I have also experienced numerous challenges as well which , without fail, have always lead me to more healing,enlightenment and empowerment. Ultimately, I have come to several conclusions:1) There is a higher power ,but that power resides in me . It is the source of my life and every life form . 2) We are all connected to this source. It is not only in us, but IS us. We are all individual manifestations of the Source.3) This higher power is not gender specific ,but is represented through both genders( i.e. he,she , it, etc)4) It is my conviction that the natural state of this higher power is love…unconditional love.
The love that I am writing about is not the Hallmark card commercialized love that you might find familiar. I mean love that is the most creative,resilient , unrelenting, therefore , most powerful force in the universe. The bible , if you believe in it, identifies love as God with a capital “G”. It is the indominitable force that not only created you , but lives through you whether you acknowledge it or not. It is non-judgemental. It is the presence that , if you remain still in order to look within yourself , is observing you while you are observing it. It gives you the power to reason while keeping your heart beating.You wouldn’t exist without it. It connects each one of us while being the cause of our uniqueness. We are each a unique expression of this one Source.There are no exceptions. It gives us life yet it exists to serve us. It dwells in our subconscious expressing who we truly are in our thoughts and feelings . The individual circumstances of our lives are a manifestation brought to life by this power due to our thoughts. The power makes no judgements. Rather it responds to our deepest thoughts and emotions. There is no hiding from it , yet when we are acknowledge it and “align” ourselves with it, we become all powerful. When we realize that we are one as well as condition ourselves to be monitor our thoughts this power becomes a most valuable ally. It will always “manifest” based on our truest desires. This key for us to live an authentic life. The Source never fails. It is not limited by time nor present circumstances. The more focused you are on what you truly desire, the more deliberate it gets. It always delivers. It controls the details. We only need to stay certain of what we desire without concerning ourselves with how it’s going to happen. The “how” is none of our business:) You can’t fool it. It is not intelligent rather it is the source of intelligence. Nothing exist outside of it. It is your highest self. No one knows you better than it does because it is a direct reflection of you , therefore, it is both the observer and the observed. For each of us to have the best relationship with it , we must be true to ourselves about who we are and what we truly desire out of life. The power ( God,Source , Universe, “Ralph”,whatever!!!) will reflect it without judgement, therefore, do not be afraid to express your authentic self. You exist for that purpose. Don’t settle for mediocrity. There is truly no such thing as failure. You are limited only by your thinking. There is no more meaningful task than living to your potential which is literally limitless. In the process of doing so, you give others the “permission” to do it themselves. Simply be yourself. We’re all connected remember?