A Synopsis of “The Seven Laws of Success”.

Hello everyone. A while ago, I read a book written by Deepak Chopra titled, ” The Seven Laws of Success”.  These laws resonated with me. In this post, I am going to share my perspective of  what I learned about each one as well as some practical tips for applying them to your life. Let’s get started.

1)Law of Pure Potentiality.

“This law states that if you have the desire, you have the ability to manifest that desire” Deepak Chopra

What you desire already exist inside of you. You are not limited by your  identity , race, color, finances , gender, age or anything else. You are a creator by nature. You are both infinite and eternal. Nothing can change that. You are only limited by your perspective. What you truly desire “calls” out to you. The keys faith and clarity. First, know within yourself that your desire already exist. Secondly, be clear about the desire without a doubt. Remember that you are a creator by nature, therefore, your desires must manifest for better or for worse.

2)Law of Giving.

“If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love… give what you want.” Deepak Chopra

You create whether you like it or not. Whether you are aware of it or not. As I wrote earlier, for better or for worse. Whatever you give out, you receive. It is universal law and there is no such thing as favoritism. If you are kind to others, you receive kindness. It may not appear overnight, but it will come in one form or the other. The ideal scenario is to give to others naturally rather than simply to receive. Remember that your world is a direct reflection of you. Ultimately, you experience events and interact with individuals who show you who you are in one way or the other. You can’t fool the universe. The great news is that you can’t outgive the universe. There is unlimited supply.

3)Law of Karma

“We reap what we sow so plant good seed.” Deepak Chopra

Everything that you do , think or say has power. Both your words and thoughts cause ripple effects throughout the universe like a pebble thrown into a still lake. The condition that you find yourself in is a result of your accumulated thoughts, words and actions without fail. It all starts with your thoughts. The more mastery you achieve of your thoughts, the richer the quality of your experiences despite the circumstances. Positive emotions such as love, gratitude, joy, happiness act as powerful magnets attracting more situations and people to produce more of these feelings  in you. The same reactions applies to negative emotions like anger, insecurity or fear.  The more that you focus on destructive emotions, the more ” drama” appears within your experience. Stay mindful. It is a choice although, at times, it can be a challenging one.

4)Law of Least Effort

“Grass doesn’t try to grow,it just grows. Fish don’t try to swim, they just swim…Practice acceptance,responsibility and defenselessness.”  Deepak Chopra

Everything in nature functions with effortless ease. Observe the flow of the ocean, the movement of clouds or flowers blooming. There is a natural flow in the universe. This is the case even in the case of apparent chaos. Chaos is never permanent. It is always followed by new life, growth and opportunity. You are a part of this natural order. The  law of least effort teaches that everything happens as it is supposed to happen at that particular moment. In western culture, we are taught to fight for everything that we want. We participate in campaigns such as “The War on Drugs”, “War on Terrorism” or “War on Poverty”. We justify our causes for the sake of justice, yet how effective is this type of mindset for achieving our goals. According to this law, we are “fighting” against the natural order. It is as if we are in a lake swimming against the current. You will end up wearing yourself out. The worst case scenario is that you grow tired and drown. We must learn to go with the current of life until we reach the end of the stream. This is a natural occurrence.

These universal laws are set in place for our benefit. The key is to learn how to work with them. Learn to accept the current situation that you find yourself in at the moment. This practice doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t do anything. Accepting a situation actually frees up energy that you would otherwise waste by approaching a situation motivated by stress. You end up creating more of a mess for yourself. It is important to be mindful of our emotional state while we are experiencing a situation. The term emotion refers to a type of movement hence the term “energy in motion.” Our emotions transmit energy ahead of us toward whatever circumstance we are facing. Keep this in mind. If you approach a situation out of fear and ego, you potentially create roadblocks for yourself. When you practice acceptance, you still move forward to deal with a situation, but you do it with a positive energy frequency. Love is the highest frequency.

Practicing acceptance helps us conserve vital energy. You use your energy more efficiently therefore opening yourself up to receive possible solutions to the problem. Certain key ways to effectively apply the law is to practice acceptance, take responsibility and stop defending yourself.

a) Practicing acceptance

Accept situations as they are even if they are unpleasant. Trust in the natural process of events. Refrain from reacting in a way that will only make the situation worse. Don’t waste your energy. Accept the situation as it is while being solution oriented

b) Take responsibility

It may seem as if you have no control over how certain situations in your life are unfolding, but you can learn to control and , ultimately, choose your reactions  to them. Despite what happened or who did it to you, learn to let go. Don’t waste your energy trying to figure out why people respond the way that they do. Stop feeling guilty about your past decisions. You can’t go back in time to change your decision nor control others reactions to what you did. Why waste energy worrying about it.Learn from them while you focus on staying present. There is an opportunity for growth in every event that occurs in our life experience.

c) Stop defending yourself

Respect other people’s right to their own opinion while maintaining your point of view. Don’t bother arguing.Again, it is like swimming upstream. It is a waste of time and energy that will only wear you. It serves no purpose. Be open to others ideas. Become a student of life. You can a learn a lot about others as well as yourself by simply listening.



5)Law of Intention and Desire

“One pointed Intention- that quality of attention  that is unbending in its fixity of purpose.”  Deepak Chopra

Whatever you focus your attention on expands. Attention gives energy to the Law of Attraction which in turn pulls the object of your desire to you. When you desire something, you are giving attention to it. Intention pertains to where you see yourself in the future. Attention and intention work together. Your intent is for the future, but your attention must be on the present. Once you focus your attention on what it is that you desire connect it to a specific intention. An example of an intention could be ,” I intend to (identify a specific goal) by ( set an accomplishment date).” Your intention accompanied with action utilizes the energy transmitted by your attention to orchestrate an infinite number of events in order to manifest your desires. This process describes  how the Law of Attraction  pulls your desires to you . The right opportunities and individuals necessary for the realization of your dreams are drawn to you like a magnet.

6)Law of Detachment

“In order to acquire anything, you have to relinquish your attachment to it.”  Deepak Chopra

Set the intention while detaching yourself from having to figure out the details leading up to the manifestation. This law states the way to acquire anything that we desire, we have to give up our attachment to it. We trust that the object of our desire already exists. We also realize that we are each engaged in having a human experience. Part of this experience, at least initially, seems to be tied to a perception of limited awareness. Based on the law, we trust that there is a synchronistic, harmonious pattern of events that are being organized by the universe( our higher self, source, etc)on our behalf  based on our individual intentions.

On the other hand,attachment implies doubt, fear and insecurity about the unknown. We feel compelled to try to “muscle” events. We give in to an idea of how “things should or have to go” in order to get the results that we desire. This mindset leads to the creation of more problems rather than solutions. We get in our own way. Life becomes very frustrating for us. We get impatient. “God” is not limited to time. Time is an illusion. Love, peace,harmony and patience are among the states of mind and emotion that can potentially prevail within our human experience once we learn to apply and internalize this law.

7)Law of “Dharma”.

“Everyone has a purpose in life-a unique gift or special talent to give to others.”  Deepak Chopra

You are here on purpose. In Hinduism, the word “dharma” can be defined as an individuals duty fulfilled by the observance of custom or law. Another definition of dharma is the intrinsic nature of a thing. For example, the dharma of sugar is sweetness while the dharma of water is wetness. It has been said that the dharma of the living thing is to render service to God. For clarification, when I use the word “God” I am not referring to a supreme  male being separate from his creation. I am referring to the infinite, eternal  and omnipotent (all powerful) intelligence that is the source of all things. All things and beings existing within the five sense world and beyond exist within this source. I refer to it as the creator. We all share the same existence . It is limitless. It is not limited to any one gender ,yet all genders both originate and are part of it. It is beyond  personality , yet our ability to develop a personality is because of it. Again, it is the Source. Within it, there is unlimited potentiality. It’s nature is to create. It is us and we are it both collectively and individually. Each of us represents a unique aspect of the whole. There is no such thing as true separation. There is only an illusion of being separate.We also share the same nature. You are a creator, whether you are aware of it or not. As human beings, we have the ability to develop our awareness of our “god” nature. Meditation can be a means of connecting with our unique gifts or talents if you are uncertain of what they are. Although it might not happen overnight, with consistent practice, you will be surprised by how significantly you can improve. Dharma is at the center of self realization. Self realization is synonymous with enlightenment. Imagine what type of world this would be if we each knew what our individual gifts were and shared them with one another. This world would be heaven on earth. Could you envision a society of self/god realized individuals? How about the idea of established “enlightened” societies around the world?

It is my opinion that the most worthy purpose for any human being is self realization. Achieving self realization is necessary for achieving ultimate success in every area of life. Applying each of the seven laws described above are clear steps toward this most meaningful accomplishment. It is necessary for living your best life. Take charge of your own destiny. Until next time…






2 thoughts on “A Synopsis of “The Seven Laws of Success”.

  1. DonaldFaums

    Thanks for helping people get the info they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!!


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