Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt. 2: Honesty( Be True to Yourself)

Dreaming with your eye’s open has to do with taking practical steps to realize your ideal vision for your life. The first step is honesty. First and foremost, be true to yourself and stay that way. What does your ideal life look like? ideal career? relationship? How do you feel as your envisioning the “ideal” you? Have fun. Play with it. Nothing is off limits. Most people don’t truly take time out to figure out what they really want out of life.Being true to yourself is crucial for ultimate success. Success isn’t limited to material wealth. True success is directly linked to being comfortable in your own skin.Living every moment genuine while pursuing interest that excite you and add value to your life. What would life look and feel like if you were engrossed in a career as well as surrounded by people that brought significant value to your life while you brought the same value to their lives.Having all of your needs met and more . Being successful on your own terms.  Do yourself a favor and stop being afraid. Stop doubting yourself. Stop living to please others. Ignore the naysayers. I once read a quote stating” When someone undermines your dreams,predicts your doom, or criticizes you in any way, remember, they’re telling you their story, not yours.” Profound words. Take courage. Be honest with yourself in order to liberate yourself. It is impossible to realize your dreams without truly knowing and embracing who you truly are and what you desire…and loving it!!!

There is absolutely no one on earth exactly like you. Embrace this fact. Your true happiness as well as the rest of the world is depending on it. Whether the world knows it or not. You simply being your authentic self inspires others to realize their true selves. Be honest with yourself. Be authentic. Be your best “YOU”. See what happens.

4 thoughts on “Dream With Your Eye’s Open Pt. 2: Honesty( Be True to Yourself)

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